Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 511874017016283137

2018-11-13 04:54:43 UTC  

Ya, but those dead people don't need to be THAT lazy, the least they can do is get up to vote......

2018-11-13 05:00:34 UTC  

With all this nationalism vs globalism talk, can't help but wonder if it came down to that in future presidential elections what everyone would choose

2018-11-13 05:01:09 UTC  

2020 aside, I'm particularly thinking about 2024 after Trump can't be on the ballot

2018-11-13 05:07:37 UTC  

You mean if Trump doesn't follow China's lead?

2018-11-13 05:19:40 UTC  

I forget the study, but the implications (not the writers conclusion) showed that liberals would help a foreigner over helping a fellow american..

2018-11-13 05:27:20 UTC  

It may be because they believe the american can help themselves. People like to think if someone is "worst off", they would attend to that person first.

2018-11-13 05:37:41 UTC  

I know its not good to put motivations on people, but I get the feeling that a many lefties do hate america.

2018-11-13 05:42:28 UTC  

Lots do for different reasons, lots on the left of course hate america, because they want to change it. And that is a kind of a right they have. We just have to show others what they want is not better (or sometimes even far worst).

2018-11-13 06:55:30 UTC  

If they didn't want to force that change on everyone, it would probably be fine. (They can make NY, San Fran, and LA how they want) However, they want to control people everywhere, even places they haven't been to and will never go to. The whole point of states is to be able to make different choice in different places. example: why would each state having different healthcare law be bad? Why is a federal single payer the only way it can be done?

2018-11-13 07:15:05 UTC  

Aaaaaand here we go with the UN telling people (but only meaning the West in particular) to “exercise restraint”

2018-11-13 07:15:40 UTC  

Why the fuck don’t we just turn the UN buildings into the Trump New York Grand Diplomat Hotel?

2018-11-13 07:19:08 UTC  

The UN is a joke, but i'm not sure i want Trump to just pay to put up foolish diplomats in a hotel heh

2018-11-13 07:21:55 UTC  

Annoying have the link for the murdoch link That's why I'm a democrat

2018-11-13 07:22:13 UTC  


2018-11-13 07:22:25 UTC  

@grant My opinion on them having the right to want things to change (even for everyone). Is that's how are nation was founded, they wanted to change the whole system so we could all be free from Britain and won. So my point is they have a right to fight for what they believe in changing, we just have to make sure they lose (if they aren't being reasonable with what they want to change it to, creating a system that does not work).

2018-11-13 07:32:09 UTC  

They don't even follow the rules. We have an amendment process. They try to cheat around it.

2018-11-13 07:32:44 UTC  

@discord_42485 What are you even trying to say?

2018-11-13 07:37:30 UTC  

@grant the videos saying "that's why I'm a democrat" by murdoch

2018-11-13 07:37:59 UTC  

@grant No doubt, but i don't like taking away peoples freedom to fight for what they believe. Even if they are wrong and will lose, that just means people need to show them why they are wrong (again if their idea's don't work).

2018-11-13 07:48:51 UTC  

That's why going back to @RoadtoDawn question 2024, its not something i worry about. Because i believe our system even when it has low points, if we have enough people fighting for the right things. We will persevere.

2018-11-13 12:04:35 UTC  


2018-11-13 12:05:02 UTC  

I sure agree with @Shadows for once lol

2018-11-13 15:38:10 UTC  

I don't worry about 2024 since thats a few political lifetimes away

2018-11-13 15:41:47 UTC  

Ben Shapiro should run then.

2018-11-13 15:42:00 UTC  

He’ll be old enough.

2018-11-13 15:46:12 UTC  

The anti-semitism would be glorious.

2018-11-13 15:49:18 UTC  

Oh goodness. It would be bad. We would see how bad it is on the left.

2018-11-13 16:00:04 UTC  

What are people's thoughts on this European army thing? I think its a bad idea. Its first use will be internal against those evil nationalists. Or it will invade a neighbor that refuses an invitation to the union.

2018-11-13 16:00:33 UTC  

Wait , what?

2018-11-13 16:03:46 UTC  

EU army bad idea

2018-11-13 16:05:04 UTC  

You got so many countries having MAJOR issues over the Euro and Immigration.....Giving Bruessels military power to enforce their directives.....could go to real bad place

2018-11-13 16:06:16 UTC  

It is a terrible idea.

2018-11-13 17:27:48 UTC  

Sargon has done a video talking about how SJWs have already completely spit on Stan Lee right after he passed away. It’s awful.

They all hated Stan because he wouldn’t arbitrarily change characters to what they wanted him to. So, in response, we should completely ruin one of their intersectionality comic heros with satire. I nominate black panther.

I dub the parody character ‘white panzer’.

2018-11-13 17:28:12 UTC  

Have fun. Lol

2018-11-13 17:38:34 UTC  

>creators: Stan Lee, Jack Kirby

2018-11-13 17:39:30 UTC  

Discord is determined to break the hyperlink

2018-11-13 17:40:08 UTC  

@Beemann I know. The problem is that SJWs will crap over everything he did because he didn’t cuck to them.

2018-11-13 17:40:50 UTC  

Sure, it's just funny

2018-11-13 17:41:11 UTC  

"We hate you for not being progressive, incredibly progressive 95 year old comic book man"

2018-11-13 17:46:29 UTC  

@Beemann it kills me. They are so hateful.