Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 512649752488312842

2018-11-15 13:06:38 UTC  

I was listening to Jim's recent stream and had to stop because all the super chats were miscarriage and stillborn jokes and I couldn't handle it

2018-11-15 13:07:07 UTC  

Yeah I can’t deal with those.

2018-11-15 13:07:28 UTC  

Honestly those people are no better than raging anti-life leftists

2018-11-15 13:08:56 UTC  

My ex died in my arms when she was 4 months pregnant and it devistated me. Finally having my son now helps with the pain of losing them, and so does my wife’s understanding of the situation.

2018-11-15 13:13:13 UTC  

I am truly sorry to hear that. I can't imagine how hard that must have been. And it's amazing that you now have the miracle of a healthy family. For what it's worth, I got your back and I'm sure others here feel the same way bro

2018-11-15 13:38:35 UTC  

@Buddha23Fett <3 you are a good man and I'm glad you are here with us

2018-11-15 13:40:12 UTC  

Slightly uplifting story on this topic:
One of my girlfriend's best friend's sister was pregnant and when she went in for a routine check they told her that she lost the baby.
A few agonising weeks later she had to go to the hospital because she had such pain in her stomach. They did a few tests and told her that she will be fine and that she just has some blood in her uterus, but not to worry, her baby was fine.
Turns out on the routine check they found blood in her uterus and just figured the baby was gone when in reality the baby was hidden in the blood. (At least that's the explanation they came up with)

2018-11-15 13:41:06 UTC  

She ended up being bed ridden for the rest of her pregnancy and have a very strict diet, but was holding a perfectly healthy baby in her arms at the end of it!

2018-11-15 13:42:01 UTC  
2018-11-15 13:47:17 UTC  

I still don’t know what I did to get a woman that treats me this good.

2018-11-15 13:49:03 UTC  

Whoa, Euro!
And you got someone looking out for you upstairs :)

2018-11-15 14:40:43 UTC  

@Euro looking for a green card I heard a story like that once. It was a writer for a blog I used to have as my home page, and he was talking about how he and his wife thought they'd miscarried, and I think they kept thinking that right up until she went into labor.

2018-11-15 14:40:51 UTC  

They might have found out before that though.

2018-11-15 14:40:57 UTC  

It was several years ago.

2018-11-15 14:43:06 UTC  

That's the reason women watch things like "I didn't know I was pregnant"

2018-11-15 15:17:32 UTC  

I’ve seen that show and I still can’t wrap my head around that concept. How could you not know if you were pregnant?

2018-11-15 15:17:54 UTC  

This is one of the reasons i've moved to be more pro-life. Things like miscarriages and still births wouldn't affect people so much if it was "just a clump of cells". It become clear to me because i just imagined one of these pro choice people consoling a woman who miscarried by saying "dont feel bad it was just a clump of cells".

2018-11-15 15:20:41 UTC  

I am STILL awake. HOOOOOOLY crap

2018-11-15 15:26:10 UTC  

On a far less sensitive note, we have a societal issue with a lot of women trying to get pregnant as their fertility is dropping, contributing to the number of women having difficulty conceiving.

2018-11-15 15:26:33 UTC  

@grant yay! When we next talk, I will bring you all the way over to pro life. LOL

2018-11-15 15:27:05 UTC  

@grant That’s because women are trying to have children at a later age.

2018-11-15 15:28:29 UTC  

Hopefully I can fix my connection soon.

2018-11-15 15:32:26 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat my best guess is they think they have an alien inside them instead.

2018-11-15 15:33:34 UTC  

I saw an episode of that show. The women seemed to also have to be heavy set so they wouldn't notice the weight gain.

2018-11-15 15:38:44 UTC  

Do we have any one in the UK? I heard the prime minister is now floating no brexit as an option.

2018-11-15 15:44:03 UTC  

Good to know Theresa is completely open minded to the idea of over-riding the people's referendum

2018-11-15 15:44:11 UTC  

Solid democracy they got going over there

2018-11-15 15:44:22 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat and promiscuity and club life

2018-11-15 15:45:18 UTC  

as Roosh puts it, women having their beef tenderized by too many guys

2018-11-15 15:45:51 UTC  

maybe not his exact words, but he has a theory that they are sterilizing themselves, self sabotage

2018-11-15 15:55:47 UTC  

It's likely because they are attempting to be something they are not. They want the freedom to bear the responsibilities that men are ordained, privileged, and cursed with on top of the responsibilities that women are ordained, privileged, and cursed with. You're gonna burn out

2018-11-15 16:16:12 UTC  

@Buddha23Fett I actually had a conversation about abortion with a crazy feminist who used those exact words.
"An unwanted baby is an alien sucking my bodies resources away from me"

2018-11-15 16:16:20 UTC  

Often they don't gain weight or show, and some can still have menstrual periods even when pregnant

2018-11-15 16:25:50 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat How are you feeling today?

2018-11-15 17:01:35 UTC  

It looks like the news of the day is going to be the UK. The prime minister is supposed to speak today on how much she tried to cuck their nation to the EU.

2018-11-15 17:02:01 UTC  

How is stuff like that not considered treason? @grant

2018-11-15 17:02:56 UTC  

Who thought putting a person who was against the measure in charge of implementing it would be a good idea?

2018-11-15 17:03:19 UTC  

Apparently the Brits who are too polite to call people out on their BS

2018-11-15 17:05:42 UTC  

It's like if people voted for Donald Trump's agenda, but put Hillary Clinton in charge of implementing it.

2018-11-15 17:06:58 UTC  

I seriously would like to know which genius thought that was a good idea

2018-11-15 17:07:27 UTC  

At this point the Tories are no better than Labor.