Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 512918497165049856

2018-11-16 03:18:41 UTC  

Sadly, you’re right on the last point

2018-11-16 03:18:53 UTC  

I'd still rather her than Bernie

2018-11-16 03:19:00 UTC  

He’s been great otherwise but I’m still not seeing full speed ahead on the wall

2018-11-16 03:19:23 UTC  

I understand the Swamp issue in DC

2018-11-16 03:20:01 UTC  

I would be more appeased if there was real movement to prosecute Hillary and other swamp creatures for endless law violations

2018-11-16 03:20:41 UTC  

At least then you could say, "We were trying to kill off the Swamp that was roadblocking the wall"

2018-11-16 03:20:58 UTC  

We'll see what the shakeup is like at the DOJ

2018-11-16 03:43:28 UTC  

Fair enough

2018-11-16 03:47:40 UTC  

the recount was late by 2 minutes so now it's being tossed out

2018-11-16 03:49:31 UTC  

>Whether the D's will nominate her again

2018-11-16 03:49:32 UTC  

That depends

2018-11-16 03:49:39 UTC  

Will she offer to pay the DNC's debt again?

2018-11-16 04:50:47 UTC  

Do they still owe her money is the question

2018-11-16 05:33:39 UTC  

Off hours chat? Anyone?

2018-11-16 08:33:21 UTC  

That whole voter fraud situation in Florida makes me think that the way my country runs elections isn't that bad of an idea.
Here, by law, every citizen has to vote.

2018-11-16 08:52:13 UTC  

@Euro looking for a green card That system would never work here (not sure if its a good idea at all), as it does not hold up with our freedoms.

2018-11-16 09:07:21 UTC  

One thing it makes you wonder, how would people vote if it were mandatory?

2018-11-16 09:12:22 UTC  

That's the question that is constantly being asked here.
Why force people to vote that don't give a damn or have no idea what is going on in politics.

2018-11-16 09:13:03 UTC  

It does create an overview of who is eligible to vote and who is turning up to vote though.

2018-11-16 09:13:22 UTC  

Granted we are a 500k country so it is a bit easier to overview that....

2018-11-16 09:14:59 UTC  

One part of voting is making a informed choice (if you care about it), and the freedom to abstain from voting if you feel none of the options follow your opinions/views

2018-11-16 09:15:48 UTC  

Or just don't care heh

2018-11-16 09:15:53 UTC  

True, that is being done here by having lots of empty sheets being entered every year.

2018-11-16 09:16:27 UTC  

You show up, you take your voting sheet, you go in your voting cabin and walk out with an empty sheet and put it in the box.

2018-11-16 09:17:11 UTC  

That's a horrible system in my view, just wasting peoples time.....

2018-11-16 09:18:11 UTC  

I agree with that, it has never taken me more than 15min to vote though. That's including me getting out of my house and going to the voting booth.

2018-11-16 09:18:44 UTC  

But I understand the argument of force here. And it is a constant discussion in our country too.

2018-11-16 09:19:18 UTC  

I am just saying that on the basis of what is happening in Florida, our system makes that a none issue.

2018-11-16 09:21:47 UTC  

I'm not sure any system we could make would leave out none issues, all of them are trial/errors. So i wouldn't outright dismiss any suggestions, but they have to coincide with our own values of how we run things (for the most part).

2018-11-16 10:28:56 UTC  

Making voting mandatory raises the same issues I have with people telling everyone else to vote. Its leftists most of the time that do it. Its organizations and companies that statistically lean left or service people that lean left shoving the idea down your throat

2018-11-16 10:31:28 UTC  

If the average American only gets news from the mainstream, voting results will be terribly skewed

2018-11-16 10:32:36 UTC  

Does the average person have any concept of news bias? Do they think all news stations are just generic organizations?

2018-11-16 10:34:57 UTC  

You should ask the news if the news has a bias!

2018-11-16 10:37:45 UTC  

I agree with the concept of the voter being force-fed information to have them think a certain way, but in a country where you value the individual don't you have to trust that individual to make up their own mind, no matter what the media says?

2018-11-16 12:56:36 UTC  

And I think the recent thing where Fox news backed CNN's bullshit lawsuit is pretty telling. It's not like Fox just decided to start being like all the other cable news groups. They weren't set apart by being conservative, they were set apart by being the network whose employees gave mostly to Democrats, rather than only to Democrats.

2018-11-16 14:24:49 UTC  

There's a Dem challenging Pelosi as House speaker though she hasn't formally announced she would run. It's a black woman named Fudge. Insert obvious racial joke here

2018-11-16 14:29:40 UTC  

>mandatory voting
You have every right to not vote
Go the other way, the Heinlein way

2018-11-16 15:08:58 UTC  

U.S. House just voted to rescind a long standing ban on headwear. I immediately demand a Republican walks in with a beer hat

2018-11-16 15:59:49 UTC  

Bring back the top hats!

2018-11-16 19:18:05 UTC  

@Euro looking for a green card yes, I believe the highest value in this case is that of the individual. However, when it comes to the average American, it is safe to assume they're blue pilled. They're most likely going to be of the same mind as the consciousness of the community they belong to, going with the same mindset and presuppositions. MY presup in this case is making decisions when you're not actually informed is bad. You're not an individual, but an extension or appendage of whatever authority that is conditioning those ideas in your mind.

2018-11-16 19:24:34 UTC  

I not only apply a moderate level of scrunity with what I am fed on TV, radio, internet; I even maintain elevated individuality in my region, which even happens to share my political proclivities and religious faith mostly. It is actually by accident that both of those values align with my own, not a result of in-group preference