Message from @Shadows

Discord ID: 513596825832259614

2018-11-18 05:45:46 UTC  

like it was already super obvious that it was going to grab data

2018-11-18 05:46:37 UTC  

it wasnt some closely guarded secret
And everyone I've seen react to this in a horrified manner is someone *who didnt want/doesnt have an Amazon surveillance puck in the first place*

2018-11-18 05:46:45 UTC  

I would have to see an "internet bill of rights" before i agree with it, i'm never a fan of giving more power to the government.

2018-11-18 05:47:14 UTC  

Sadly the former is much more prominent. You could tell people this and they would still own the thing

2018-11-18 05:47:25 UTC  

Not just alexa

2018-11-18 05:47:35 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn that must have been a playful headline, because something that is not real can not "testify" to a murder, just be used as evidence (if allowed).

2018-11-18 05:47:49 UTC  

I would take exception with stuff that doesnt advertise its function

2018-11-18 05:47:56 UTC  

like that smart tv that was recording people, for instance

2018-11-18 05:48:43 UTC  

Yeah dunno if Bezos himself has to go in or not, I felt it explained my point as quickly as possible @Shadows

2018-11-18 05:49:15 UTC  


2018-11-18 05:49:26 UTC  

court demanded that Amazon hand over the recording is the basic scenario

2018-11-18 05:49:41 UTC  


2018-11-18 05:50:58 UTC  

Mhm, I'm sure they'll get an expert witness, some amazon tech engineer to explain all the goofy tech jargon to the idiot boomer jurors that will just nod along

2018-11-18 05:51:30 UTC  

Wow, someone doesn't like our system....

2018-11-18 05:51:38 UTC  


2018-11-18 05:51:51 UTC  

Was more a jab at boomers, :p

2018-11-18 05:52:05 UTC  

which is part of the system... heh

2018-11-18 05:53:31 UTC  

I had to write reports on cases, focusing on the forensic expert witness aspect. I know how they talk to make themselves sound intelligent haha

2018-11-18 05:59:11 UTC  

and besides, in that particular trial it wouldn't even be ancillary, just a formality. I'm not sure how often they have testimony from recording devices, this case will likely be unusual, the precedent being the fact it was Alexa and not, say, a cell phone call or something

2018-11-18 05:59:53 UTC  

It'll probably be decided the moment its declared admissible

2018-11-18 06:10:25 UTC  

Its always good to be wary of new tech, as it should never be the case that we are not in control of it and not the other way around. But i also don't think its good to worry to much about it, as its something that always happens, people in the past feared any new form of tech as "This will do something bad for us".

2018-11-18 06:10:51 UTC  

Which can be partly true, but we will have to see.

2018-11-18 06:12:10 UTC  

I'm not sure how often Alexa will be reporting its owners for crimes just yet.

2018-11-18 14:00:06 UTC  

@Beemann the problem is largely that never before in human history has there been potential to record everything someone does in perpetuity, and then just feed that into an algorithm and figure out how to manipulate them based on that

2018-11-18 14:02:07 UTC  

Humans really aren't equipped to handle the level of privacy invasion that we have going on. Sure, "Don't use their thing" is simple to say but reality for my tech-idiot parents is that they are willingly surrendering all kinds of data they probably don't want to

2018-11-18 14:08:25 UTC  

As an intelligent and tech savvy person I can take countermeasures I'm comfortable with to anonymize my identity, but someone with 100IQ or 85IQ is simply not equipped to handle these threats and they have to be able to live in society too. It's not cool when we create a system that's essentially predatory on people who are less fortunate

2018-11-18 15:00:07 UTC  


2018-11-18 15:01:59 UTC  

I volunteered at a nursing home to help senior citizens with tech issues, I know just how vulnerable folks can be when they aren't aware of tech

2018-11-18 17:32:20 UTC  

I just spent the last 12 hours locked in a closet listening to The Wall on repeat, and I realized.....something fucked up happened in this my adult lifetime

2018-11-18 17:37:24 UTC  

I think we have always been messed up your just more aware of it now

2018-11-18 17:41:47 UTC  

I used to consider myself a liberal, bordering on extremism, because I espoused the views that Roger Waters put forward in this album.

2018-11-18 17:42:18 UTC  

I listened back to it, especially the big single that came from that album, and I realized that these are not left wing/liberal ideas anymore

2018-11-18 18:10:28 UTC  

@wail you just don't use Google, that's all. As long as companies are honest about data collection I really don't give a shit. It's when they lie about it that I take issue (see: Facebook and Google recording info their services say won't be recorded)

2018-11-18 18:11:34 UTC  

But for everything else, how do you stop someone from creating an algorithm that say, pulls publicly available data from multiple sites and stores that in one place? That's still a lot of information and requires 0 manipulation, and it results in the issue you speak to

2018-11-18 18:18:40 UTC  

Require them to take it down?

2018-11-18 18:19:41 UTC  

Take what down? The consolidated public information? How do you make sure no websites, including ones that don't fall under jurisdiction, do so?

2018-11-18 18:19:49 UTC  

What's public?

2018-11-18 18:20:22 UTC  

If someone was waiting outside my house and following my every movement I'd get a court order to get the stalker hit with a restraining order and if he continues the behavior he'd face consequences

2018-11-18 18:20:30 UTC  

Shit you post on twitter, Facebook, public forums, chat rooms, non privatized public data

2018-11-18 18:20:51 UTC  

It's not the same as leaving your house, it's the same as going to the mall, or some other public space

2018-11-18 18:20:57 UTC  

And you *do* get recorded there