Message from @Salacious Swanky Cat

Discord ID: 517408347679490070

2018-11-28 18:13:01 UTC  

Women be crazy!

2018-11-28 18:13:26 UTC  


2018-11-28 18:17:15 UTC  

This GQ woman is so stupid.

2018-11-28 18:17:52 UTC  

Not his worst interviewer, but ya.

2018-11-28 18:18:35 UTC  

I’m an hour in. She has no clue what she’s talking about.

2018-11-28 18:19:48 UTC  

Most of them just play the presumptions game.

2018-11-28 18:21:28 UTC  

‘Woman change their names for marriage to symbolize the mans ownership of the woman’. Really? It’s so dumb.

2018-11-28 18:25:31 UTC  

‘You can’t believe in God and science at the same time’. Seriously? This woman has a vastly over simplistic view of everything.

2018-11-28 18:25:38 UTC  

I know women you aren't changing their names just because of how big a hassle it is

2018-11-28 18:26:37 UTC  

but dude looks like Trump won again....Got the Fed to not raise rates and wayyyyyyy back track on their hiking rate rhetoric...

2018-11-28 18:26:56 UTC  


2018-11-28 18:27:23 UTC  

Not Tried of Winning!

2018-11-28 18:27:32 UTC  

(don't have time to look into this)

2018-11-28 18:28:23 UTC  

Trump is keeping interest rates low....basically

2018-11-28 18:29:37 UTC  

I mean Trump was right when he said Obama didn't do a good job economically. Since Obama had near 0% rates and got 4.5 trillion dollars in free money..

2018-11-28 18:30:18 UTC  

Well tech not "free" but we haven't paid the price for that yet...

2018-11-28 18:30:35 UTC  

That's not fair, i'm sure Obama did something good.

2018-11-28 18:30:43 UTC  

I've not found anything yet tho.

2018-11-28 18:32:14 UTC  

He got trump elected

2018-11-28 18:33:24 UTC  

Well I don't want to just trash Obama. But he was given a hell of a gift......should have done better

2018-11-28 18:36:03 UTC  

Lol. Yeah. He did do some things fine. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to say everything he did was bad. I don’t necessarily agree with how presidencies seem to get evaluated either.

2018-11-28 18:37:30 UTC  

It’s too politicized and several kinds of policies have greater effects years after the president was in office. I think it would be better to attribute blame to ideas and policies rather than people

2018-11-28 18:46:40 UTC  

that last sentence doesn't really make sense, it would mean you can't praise anything good trump is doing either. (which is fine if you take that stance for both).

2018-11-28 18:48:02 UTC  

I’m saying in the long run. How do we know what policies work and which ones don’t? That’s what I’m talking about. Short term stuff like saying due process is good or protecting it is a different thing.

2018-11-28 18:49:36 UTC  

thats pretty true.....Can't really judge a President time they are out of office and can see how their policies and programs worked or didnt

2018-11-28 18:53:27 UTC  

I almost never blame anyone for everything , i don't blame Obama for everything he did(even tho its fun to say Thanks Obama, but i rarely say it) he did have people around him that helped with all the problems he enacted. But i was being for real, i can't think of anything Obama did that was good outside of getting Bin Laden.

2018-11-28 18:59:19 UTC  

Obama's legacy is almost forever gone, almost everything he set up has been brought down already (outside of a few big things we know of).

2018-11-28 19:01:17 UTC  

Which is also a bad part of Trump doing a lot of things by executive order.

2018-11-28 19:03:24 UTC  

Obama set the precedent of using executive orders like that.

2018-11-28 19:04:08 UTC  

I really liked President Obama

2018-11-28 19:04:17 UTC  

And President Bush too

2018-11-28 19:04:29 UTC  

I know, tho Bush did start it a bit. But that's why they were taken away so easily by Trump.

2018-11-28 19:05:07 UTC  

Obama will likely go down as the worst President ever..... And i'm not saying that lightly.

2018-11-28 19:06:24 UTC  


2018-11-28 19:07:31 UTC  

The clean power plan was poorly structured

2018-11-28 19:12:16 UTC  

His biggest achievements,
Iran deal, gone
Paris climate accord, gone
Pushed illegal immigration, *crosses fingers* Wall
Obama Care, should be gone if trump gets another terms (if not sooner)
I could add more but will stop heh.

2018-11-28 19:15:57 UTC  

Obama wasn't the worst prez ever their were a few terrible ones in the run up to the civil war

2018-11-28 19:16:33 UTC  

Modern prez....sure that arguement can be made

2018-11-28 19:17:47 UTC  

Yes, we have had many poor Presidents. It is really hard to compare them all evenly.

2018-11-28 19:17:57 UTC  

Yeah, I didn't like obama but not worst president. Plenty of bad presidents.

2018-11-28 19:19:31 UTC  

I'd put Martin Van Buren as worst than Obama