Message from @nonbenigncancer

Discord ID: 536835433561063456

2019-01-20 23:35:19 UTC  


2019-01-20 23:36:38 UTC  

Everyone has their blind spots but I think I have a good pool of actually good "reporters" that I follow. I don't just stick to them, just in case I wind up falling prey to another echo chamber

But people like MC, Tim Pool, Sargon, even Count Dankula

Tend to be good with their sourcing so I'm not as inclined to assume they're lying as I am with, say, the MSM

2019-01-20 23:47:20 UTC  

That’s fair. And I don’t trust them or kick them when they screw up

2019-01-20 23:48:43 UTC  

Oddly, I trust them because I could potentially throw them quite far.
Unlike a 150 person company

2019-01-21 08:27:30 UTC  

Hey all, pyrocrusader here from the chat earlier

2019-01-21 08:33:02 UTC  

Things are not going well with me and my leftist girlfriend, we had a major argument over whether a kid should be in child care or not when there is both parents in the family. I said they shouldn't as most of the things that they learn at child care should be learned at home by the parents example

2019-01-21 08:36:03 UTC  

Stupid me folded when she asked if I think we should break up....

2019-01-21 08:38:16 UTC  

Sorry to hear that mate.
I am in a not too dissimilar situation. Do you have a kid with her or is this just theoretical talk?

2019-01-21 09:01:29 UTC  

No kids with her yet, we are discussing where we stand

2019-01-21 09:06:35 UTC  

It's good that you are talking about it. I think it is an issue that should definitely be agreed upon before making the step of having a child.

2019-01-21 09:06:48 UTC  

it is

2019-01-21 09:07:49 UTC  

I need to bring this up as well with a girl I have been talking to, not in a relationship so it shouldnt be as awkward though

2019-01-21 09:08:27 UTC  

Do it before you get in a relqtionship man

2019-01-21 09:08:34 UTC  


2019-01-21 09:09:17 UTC  

I dont want anybody's child going to childcare. Its allowing somebody else to parent your child for you. I know situations change and shit but it should be avoided if at all possible

2019-01-21 09:09:19 UTC  

I will

2019-01-21 09:11:34 UTC  

I am at the other side of the spectrum. I have a child (accident) with my girlfriend who wanted to send it to child care to go work. Long story short I put my foot down on the kid not going to child care but the topic keeps creeping up...

2019-01-21 09:11:55 UTC  

keep slamming it down

2019-01-21 09:11:57 UTC  

Good stuff euro on putting your foot down

2019-01-21 09:12:11 UTC  

force her to watch black pigeon speaks

2019-01-21 09:12:21 UTC  

Only reason a kid should go to child care is to learn social skills

2019-01-21 09:13:03 UTC  

They can learn social skills by being with other children. No middleman like child care services are needed for that.

2019-01-21 09:13:27 UTC  

Yeah but where are they going to meet other children out of daycare apart from parks

2019-01-21 09:13:45 UTC  

which can also be accomplished easily if the mother does her job and interacts with the community, which is one of the reasons I think I am looking for a catholic girl lol

2019-01-21 09:13:55 UTC  

Lol lash

2019-01-21 09:14:19 UTC  

I was lucky with her that additionally to me not wanting the kid to go to child care she talked to a couple of friends of hers who have kids who told her not to send her kid to child care.

2019-01-21 09:14:48 UTC  

My gf works in childcare

2019-01-21 09:15:09 UTC  

Isn't parks enough to learn social skills?

2019-01-21 09:15:11 UTC  

it is true though!!!!! I'm not a bible dude by any means, its actually caused weeks of turmoil as this is a realisation I had earther this year, but it's the valuable side of religions

2019-01-21 09:15:40 UTC  

but apart from parks, mums meet up where children can interact with each other on playdates .

2019-01-21 09:15:52 UTC  


2019-01-21 09:16:33 UTC  

My brothers gf works at a day care too, she says not to send your children to day care...

2019-01-21 09:28:56 UTC  

I don't want some curry muncher raising my kid

2019-01-21 09:32:22 UTC  

I dont want anybody who doesnt meet my standards doing it. Its literally why pair bond in the first place. The only way you can know if somebody is good enough to be with long term (and have kids with) is if you agree on a lot of major issues and have the same outlook on life. Ultimately you want your child to be a better version of you, which can only happen if you have somebody you really trust (yourself and your partner) spending the most amount of time raising them as possible

2019-01-21 09:33:25 UTC  

the idea you can hand them to people outside of the family long term and have them given back to you in a better shape is lunacy. Situations change and needs must, but if it can be avoided I would do everything possible to do such

2019-01-21 09:44:35 UTC  


2019-01-21 11:49:27 UTC  

@Lash-Games you're on point there. No one outside of extended family watches our children or trusted friends who share our values.

2019-01-21 11:50:36 UTC  

A society grows great when old men plant trees who's shade they know the will never sit in.

2019-01-21 11:51:21 UTC  

*they will never sit in.

2019-01-21 12:16:54 UTC  

@Lash-Games Unless you have such low regard for yourself or the other parent that pretty much anyone is going to do a better job.
Or you care so little for the kid you don’t care, unless it reflects badly on you.
Either is possible.

2019-01-21 12:20:24 UTC  

@Your_Hirsute_Friend Yes. I’m on a bit of a thing about my three sex/gender model.
Your point about the old Greek proverb is yet another great example of positive neuter.
My thanks