Message from @SpanishAbbey

Discord ID: 544933074010505226

2019-02-12 17:20:31 UTC  

They need Christianity, not feminism

2019-02-12 17:20:42 UTC  

Why not both?

2019-02-12 17:21:07 UTC  

Because Muslims just kill feminists.

2019-02-12 17:21:23 UTC  

Or imprison them

2019-02-12 17:21:51 UTC  

But if they get both they wont

2019-02-12 17:22:25 UTC  

@RoadtoDawn Many muslim countries already have feminism....... And its not good for them.

2019-02-12 17:22:43 UTC  


2019-02-12 17:23:02 UTC  

Oh no, women can own private property now!

2019-02-12 17:23:05 UTC  

The horror

2019-02-12 17:23:49 UTC  

It would be great if you ever knew what you were talking about, making an argument. And just didn't mock what you don't understand.......

2019-02-12 17:24:22 UTC  

Christianity provides the metaphysical framework in which they can acknowledge that women have equal value to men.

2019-02-12 17:24:45 UTC  

Islam seems to treat women like property

2019-02-12 17:25:10 UTC  

Ball is in your court to show that feminist have harmed Muslim countries @Shadows

2019-02-12 17:25:33 UTC  

@Salacious Swanky Cat Islam doesn't treat women like property, it treats everyone like property.

2019-02-12 17:26:32 UTC  

Ok, so them not being treated like property is bad to you?

2019-02-12 17:27:26 UTC  

Christianity and feminism are opposed

2019-02-12 17:27:57 UTC  

Feminism isn't simply a female rights injection

2019-02-12 17:28:23 UTC  

You're getting the whole virus

2019-02-12 17:28:43 UTC  

They aren't opposed, I'm both

2019-02-12 17:29:21 UTC  

Susan B Anthony was very against abortion

2019-02-12 17:29:29 UTC  

For example

2019-02-12 17:29:44 UTC  

She was also racist.

2019-02-12 17:29:53 UTC  

Lol, who wasn't then

2019-02-12 17:29:59 UTC  

Lots of people.

2019-02-12 17:30:24 UTC  

So if someone was racist we need to ignore their ideas?

2019-02-12 17:31:11 UTC  

Nope, but its great you pick one person for their value but don't care about their other problems....

2019-02-12 17:31:34 UTC  

I do the same to Thomas Jefferson

2019-02-12 17:31:40 UTC  

That's your point

2019-02-12 17:32:12 UTC  

What's wrong with Thomas Jefferson?

2019-02-12 17:32:54 UTC  

According to you he was like super racist and needs to be ignored

2019-02-12 17:32:54 UTC  

He wasn’t a fascist

2019-02-12 17:33:29 UTC  

Its a good thing you don't know history, he wasn't racist, and wanted to free slaves... (as far as we know).

2019-02-12 17:34:15 UTC  

Oh okay, so it's okay to ignore racism if it's one of the guys who we like, like the VA governor. Got it

2019-02-12 17:36:09 UTC  

Thanks for putting words in my mouth again, i'm not ignoring anything. He wasn't racist (from most of what we know).

2019-02-12 17:37:31 UTC  

No worries, little buddy. We are glad to have you around

2019-02-12 17:37:43 UTC  

You make the best arguments.

2019-02-12 17:38:46 UTC  


2019-02-12 20:27:47 UTC  

So for those that care (tho i'm sure many already know), feminism has only ever been about giving females superior rights then men. It looks at all of history simple as men as oppressors, and women as victims.
So in order to "fix" this they end up pushing the other way harder and harder, to "correct" histories mistakes.
But they failed (at many things), to understand how history really played out, women were not victims of life or oppressed by men as a whole. Each gender (men/boys/ women/girls) had their own struggles. Men had more responsibilities, so they were offered a few more Rights. But then we decided it was a great idea to give women the same (and now superior) Rights then men, because enough women ask for it, without giving them the same responsibilities.....
So all feminism/women's groups and the men that have always helped them (from the left and the right, this wasn't just a feminism problem) does. It look at a problem (that might not even be a real problem) for women, never bothering to question why things are/were like that or bothering to see what the other side looks like for men. And work to "correct" that, which almost always makes things worst (its why we have so many problems today).

2019-02-12 20:27:51 UTC  

Some links about these things if anyone want to check them out, Feminism was always crap. What feminism didn't understand about history. Feminism didn't work on getting everyone a vote. Feminism/women's groups destroying the west (and it will/has do it to any other country). Feminims/women's groups fighting against fathers rights. Differences between most feminism/women's groups vs christen women (even tho i have some problems with some traditional views, its far better then what feminism push as it at least respects the value of men/boys for the most part). (the time messes up at around 3:50 if you move it around it works fine) How this wasn't just a feminism problem but a human one, feminism just gives it more control. What feminism/women's groups do to our laws (this is part one), i could link more from other places, but these do a good job. Us never caring about boys in "those" countries. How most people treat Islam, as we only ever see women as victims just like feminism (past and present) and never give a damn about men. These places need more human rights, not just women's rights, or even worst feminism (but this doesn't mean i want to necessarily intervene, just pointing out the full issue not just women are oppressed). Another on the same topic as the last (time stumped because that issue starts around 20min in).

If anyone believes these people or i am wrong about anything, feel free to let me know (in hopefully a real talk/argument).

2019-02-12 20:28:30 UTC  

If anyone doesn't care, that is also fine as not everyone needs to deal with these problems (or can) lol.
And none of this is to say i want to take away female rights (maybe just giving them the same responsibilities), i/others work on getting the same for men (if/where possible).

2019-02-12 20:56:17 UTC  

I wonder how far the House will push the Russia stuff after Mueller says there's nothing