Message from @wolfman1911

Discord ID: 549002313545809930

2019-02-23 17:25:02 UTC  

it shouldn't be lengthy or expensive, that's another flaw with our current system

2019-02-23 17:27:49 UTC  

As far as the border argument, I haven't read yours yet, but it seems to me that the open-border argument is usually advocating for freedom of movement as a fundamental right (or something similar) but I think that also clashes with the idea of owning land and property rights and how those rights play out on the larger scale.

2019-02-23 17:33:33 UTC  

And now I see you already included that in your blog, literally the first quote.

2019-02-23 17:45:10 UTC  

I think you've made a pretty solid argument. If I were going to try and refute it, I'd probably go after something you already brought up where you've consented to be part of a system that in turn creates a law you consider unjust. Would I have to literally take my land and secede from the country to resolve that disagreement?

2019-02-23 17:46:08 UTC  

Would the country continue to recognize my right to that land in such a case?

2019-02-23 17:53:23 UTC  

@BeefSupreme just become an ISIL bride

2019-02-23 17:53:25 UTC  


2019-02-23 17:53:29 UTC  

Problem solved

2019-02-23 17:58:52 UTC  

@C1PHER that would be a legitimate option if it came down to it. ideally it's something that could be worked out through the system. and yes a rights-respecting limited government would have to recognize the right of any citizen to opt out, for any state to secede, and for their rights to be respected so long as they aren't some kind of aggressive threat to its citizens

2019-02-23 18:00:14 UTC  

Not sure how that would play out if my property is surrounded by the state

2019-02-23 18:02:19 UTC  

Yeah, being land-locked sounds like a pain.

2019-02-23 18:05:49 UTC  

Hopefully I'm not strawmanning, but I get the feeling that most pro-immigration folks aren't exactly offering up their own personal property for the cause. So this line of thinking might be lost on them.

2019-02-23 18:07:04 UTC  

Yeah a lot of people don't even really have personal property, which is another problem I see with that system

2019-02-23 18:10:08 UTC  

I feel like a strict property rights system would have worked better back when people could go West and stake out a plot of land for themselves, I'm not really sure what you do with people living in an apartment in NYC in terms of voluntary participation in a state

2019-02-23 18:20:00 UTC  

you conscript them

2019-02-23 18:27:02 UTC  

another related point here...

2019-02-23 18:27:03 UTC  

"libertarianism" = "liberty"-ism

"liberty" is not radical autonomy, it's freedom from force, it's respect for individual rights.

People need to stop talking about "moral libertarianism", what you're thinking of is "moral anarchism".

2019-02-23 18:46:04 UTC  

Some people fear Stalin. Some fear hitler. But I have seen the devil, and I have looked her in the eye. She didn't weild a sickle and a hammer, nor had a swatistza adoring her arm. No, instead she had a potbelly, a buzzcut, and a pair tit of tits forty years removed from a bra. Behold, Gloria Steinem, the destroyer of worlds.

2019-02-23 21:50:05 UTC  

How are libertarians opposed to a social contract? Isn't that exactly what their beloved NAP is?

2019-02-23 22:01:56 UTC  

I think social contract as in forming larger communities where certain ideals are upheld, which would technically include Libertarians and one of their ideals would be the NAP, but it's not a church or a country so I guess it's okay in the objectivist book

2019-02-23 22:59:11 UTC  

That makes sense. The problem isn't that it's a social contract, it's that it isn't opt-in.

2019-02-24 00:31:49 UTC  

I’ve been correctly labelled as both a libertarian and an objectivist before, and I really don’t know what you lot are on about.
The NAP? It’s a nice idea.
Not some item of faith.
Social contracts are very real, and we trade in the every time we communicate

2019-02-24 03:54:29 UTC  

So apparently shits heating up between Pakistan and India. Mobilizing military along the Line of Control of former Kashmir.

2019-02-24 03:54:55 UTC  

Next wave of “refugees” incoming...

2019-02-24 04:19:43 UTC  

Well they both have nukes so that's a cause for some concern

2019-02-24 06:17:55 UTC  

I'm going to link a video Sargon just did a video on, and it doesn't matter how many stupid people in the comments are... (so so many). It doesn't matter that stupid people like Peter Coffin and Three Arrows shows up to agree with this trash video..
Can someone tell me, how a person, with a functional brain (hopefully) types this,

"While I don't think that Mario games have very strong messages about culture, it is certainly fair to analyze them critically. It is true that Peach is a totally underdeveloped character. She exists to be captured by force and then to be saved by Mario. I don't think that this can really be contested.

The criticism of this is to say that Mario games are a male power fantasy fulfilled by violence against a female character."

Someone kill me.... (this is a link to the comment from the video, if you want to see it in full)

2019-02-24 06:52:21 UTC  

Okay so this guy starts off by saying he's not an anita beta fan boy then flat out says he's an anita fan boy

2019-02-24 06:55:40 UTC  

2 several dev teams have come forward and flat out said she is a toxic individual IRL including the folks on the Anthem team and her view of the world demonized an overwhelming majority of the gaming community

2019-02-24 06:57:03 UTC  

I looked at most of what people talked about in that comment post.... I need someone to shoot me.....

2019-02-24 08:21:33 UTC  

all Mario related characters are underdeveloped not just peach
when you think about it what do we really know about Mario?
he's a portly Italian American from Brooklyn who is pretty cheerful

2019-02-24 08:24:01 UTC  

not sure where he's getting the violence against a female character though, Peach is not tortured or attacked only abducted and that was by the villain it's clearly set as morally wrong
the SJW argument in these cases always seems to be that there can be no representation of anything deemed immoral at least in regards to women in fiction, they can't be hit, kidnapped or hurt lest the players relate to the villain

2019-02-24 08:25:53 UTC  

what the? the video has been removed on grounds of hate speech?

2019-02-24 08:28:15 UTC  

Hah, that's funny. Even tho it shouldn't have been.....

2019-02-24 08:30:04 UTC  

it says in my country is it just for me or everyone?

2019-02-24 08:34:50 UTC  

I'm in the US, and its also gone for me.

2019-02-24 08:36:45 UTC  

Aus so I guess it's probably for all

2019-02-24 08:37:24 UTC  

I hate hate speech policies I should make the determination if it's offensive for myself

2019-02-24 08:56:09 UTC  

The very concept of hate speech should be laughable to anyone who believes in free speech.

2019-02-25 02:06:02 UTC  

Thanks Tails

2019-02-25 02:11:35 UTC  

Oh fuck I was in Chicago last week. Don’t think I could’ve made the meetup anyway