Message from @Mystic axe

Discord ID: 551637957132419082

2019-03-01 23:18:05 UTC  

the 300 level courses are all focused on teaching, and this is where they wedge in the social justice. if you want to TA for a course, then you have to take one of these courses

2019-03-01 23:18:21 UTC  

which results in the spread of it in stem

2019-03-01 23:22:16 UTC  

Which is why i'm less worried about any antifa (tho still worried about them), over whats creating them in the first place.

2019-03-01 23:24:10 UTC  

indeed. its not the stem fields that are creating them, the barrier to entry is still too high for many. It's the other majors that are guilty of it. the administration as well. the chancellor just sent out an email detailing how all new faculty applicants must swear an oath of fealty to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

2019-03-01 23:24:31 UTC  

which means there will be no more dissent from new faculty

2019-03-01 23:24:53 UTC  

all that will be left to do is push out old faculty that do not covert

2019-03-01 23:27:44 UTC  

You would have to shoot me before i swore to something like that... (tho i do understand some have to do it just to get by sadly).

2019-03-01 23:28:04 UTC  

pretty much

2019-03-01 23:30:26 UTC  

Oh well, have fun with your stuff then :)

2019-03-02 00:55:15 UTC  

get in off hours voicechat!

2019-03-02 17:20:58 UTC  

This is a long ass conversation. 🙂😍

2019-03-03 00:10:42 UTC  

ey bay bay i got convos for days

2019-03-03 03:20:12 UTC  

wheres the sunday stream

2019-03-03 03:20:46 UTC  

saturday....thats today

2019-03-03 03:21:07 UTC  

...well it feels like sunday becasue of my grandmas funeral okay...

2019-03-03 03:21:26 UTC  

well sorry for your loss

2019-03-03 03:21:51 UTC  

you wanna talk about it?

2019-03-03 03:22:13 UTC  

not really I'm good

2019-03-03 03:25:08 UTC  

excatly im fine. just kind of mental messed up

2019-03-03 04:01:16 UTC  

@Mystic axe <3 I'm so sorry. You'll see her again

2019-03-03 05:32:17 UTC  

Thanks Abbey. Yeah she wasnt doing so well im happy shes in a better place and not suffering

2019-03-03 09:22:50 UTC  

lol i really triggered some dudes at my college just now

2019-03-03 09:23:02 UTC  

got called a nazi

2019-03-03 09:37:48 UTC  
2019-03-03 09:37:53 UTC  

what did you do, also check pics :)

2019-03-03 09:38:28 UTC  

it was in the EE/CS discord. i said that i would be ok with writing software that would end up being used in war

2019-03-03 09:38:31 UTC  

lol yea i saw

2019-03-03 09:38:43 UTC  

basically the software version of designing a new firearm

2019-03-03 09:41:43 UTC  

seemed pretty mundane to me. but they lost their shit. had two dudes go ballistic and go on and on with increasingly rediculous hypotheticals

2019-03-03 09:43:30 UTC  

I guess nazi's are the only group ever to own guns......

2019-03-03 09:43:50 UTC  

like it was shocking how silly it was

2019-03-03 09:44:06 UTC  

i was the least empathetic morally devoid POS theyve ever met etc

2019-03-03 09:44:11 UTC  


2019-03-03 09:44:23 UTC  

i guess they felt the same way with samuel colt

2019-03-03 09:45:03 UTC  

i guess we'll see if anytthing comes of this. my face and first name are visible

2019-03-03 09:45:41 UTC  

im bigger and stronger than them, so im not worried about anything physical, but rather some sort of academic or career sabotage

2019-03-03 09:46:21 UTC  

Maybe you could tell them you are also happy that they could be designed as toy guns!
*anything for the children*

2019-03-03 09:47:06 UTC  

lol its essentially the same thing as the google employees striking due to google working with the cia

2019-03-03 09:49:30 UTC  

I mean, people should be striking if they work for google.... Have you Seen that company!!

2019-03-03 09:49:51 UTC  

But i know what you mean.

2019-03-03 09:49:56 UTC  

lol pretty much