Message from @[DGI]tech

Discord ID: 602388936526004234

2019-07-21 03:38:26 UTC  

anyone wanna watch a movie? American Movie

2019-07-21 03:38:31 UTC  

We can't have that now can we?

2019-07-21 03:38:44 UTC  

@[DGI]tech Nah you're a race traitor. Ayanna Pressly says so.

2019-07-21 03:38:49 UTC  

*Everyone knows Jews belong in the gulag.*

2019-07-21 03:38:53 UTC  

Only if it has America's ass @Vesdii

2019-07-21 03:38:59 UTC  


2019-07-21 03:39:17 UTC  

@yuma_8 You're 100% right.

2019-07-21 06:07:23 UTC  

I haven't watched the Dave Rubin and Marianne Williamson. Is it as bad as the comments suggest??

2019-07-21 06:07:44 UTC  

The comments seem.... visceral

2019-07-21 06:23:30 UTC  

it's pretty rough, she is a whole neither level of stupid. want's UBI + $15 minimum wage + Universal Healthcare + Reparations (apparently to help us get over our collective guilt)... but she doesn't really use healing crystals

2019-07-21 06:31:32 UTC  

You now have my attention.

2019-07-21 06:31:47 UTC  

I'll watch it purely for my own laughter.

2019-07-21 06:33:34 UTC  

How does someone come across such a magical view of money? Or government, I guess?

2019-07-21 06:34:39 UTC  

Though I guess the real question is whether she is so stupid to think those things are possible, much less good ideas, or is she instead so cynical as to want that kind of power over people?

2019-07-21 06:37:17 UTC  

To quote: "my brain is already going into recovery mode and it hasn't even started"

2019-07-21 06:37:22 UTC  

I'm sure that will be me watching this.

2019-07-21 06:37:25 UTC  

And it's an hour no less.

2019-07-21 06:37:26 UTC  


2019-07-21 06:38:34 UTC  

Wait, everyone is on her side according to these comments.

2019-07-21 06:38:43 UTC  

I shouldn't be surprised.

2019-07-21 06:38:45 UTC  

here thing, atleast in the interview, wasn't really magic

2019-07-21 06:38:59 UTC  

it's more of a hippie philosphy of using love to counteract hate

2019-07-21 06:39:52 UTC  

I will say I have not watched enough of Dave Rubin to know if he's a genuine tard, but the meme is that he's a yes man or just follows the pack.

2019-07-21 06:40:01 UTC  

Regardless, fuck outta here with that hippie shit.

2019-07-21 06:40:29 UTC  

the whole "negotiating" on reparations. You mean to tell me the person who believes reperations are necessary will walk away from negotiations for 10-15 years if the ask is to great.

2019-07-21 06:42:35 UTC  

Realities default value is chaos, and hatred. You are tasked with using your tools to survive that in whatever shape that may take. Not love.

2019-07-21 06:42:42 UTC  

Also, reparations :/

2019-07-21 06:43:01 UTC  


2019-07-21 06:43:20 UTC  

You aren't some special cookie just because your great great great great grandfather was a slave at one point.

2019-07-21 06:43:32 UTC  

There is a large disconnect and you aren't deserving.

2019-07-21 06:52:07 UTC  

exactly @[DGI]tech

2019-07-21 06:52:22 UTC  

threw me for a loop

2019-07-21 06:52:43 UTC  

the hundreds of likes these comments are getting

2019-07-21 06:54:33 UTC  

I'm going to have to listen to this as I play video games tonight, but I'm sure I'm in for a ride. The majority of these comments are bashing on Dave, and if I'm basing off what this experience will be like due to Putz she's an extremely ignorant hoebag.

2019-07-21 06:55:19 UTC  

i also think reparations will make things worse, AND we'll land the privilege of greater debt

2019-07-21 06:56:40 UTC  

I'll join you on that journey, but tomorrow. it's 3am and I'm tired as fuck. just a bit restless at the moment

2019-07-21 06:57:32 UTC  

Man, this fucking reminds me of this one chick that I used to work with at Safeway. She worked at Safeway, and as I got to learn more about her the more I realized how much of a crazy cat lady she was. She started showing her true colors on social media, however. But, it was largely in the form of reparations, and claiming that because her ancestors of Native Americans were held down by the "man" that she was oh so deserving of all this fucking silver platter bullshit. Not only that, but she alongside her idiot buddies stopped resource coming into the port of the city, and all the while anarchists starting shit in downtown bringing along swat. I schooled her on her post, and after enough bashing she blocked me.

2019-07-21 07:08:58 UTC  

To be honest, anyone that thinks reparations are a good idea ought to look at how native Americans turned out. They basically got something akin to reparations, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs destroyed those people far better than any conquistador or indian fighter ever could.

2019-07-21 07:18:04 UTC  

there is a process for reparations in the courts. any broad attempt at reparations will never work because it will never be enough. The only thing it will do is create more racial tensions. The entire situation is highly problematic because doing it creates a perceived right to financial reimbursement. So what would be next, pay women because they were denied the right to vote or because they couldn't have a credit card in their name. or any other class that was treated unfairly under the law