Message from @Agent Smith

Discord ID: 602665443324592149

2019-07-21 07:30:31 UTC  

what if we appointed larry elder, thomas sowell, and walter williams to do the negotiations. would people accept the results?

2019-07-21 07:31:03 UTC  

No because they weren't oppressed enough.

2019-07-21 07:32:27 UTC  

Chode for brain statists that operate off of a wet noodle.

2019-07-21 07:36:00 UTC  

I'm sure people would only vote in those that match 11; burnt charcoal.

2019-07-21 07:36:21 UTC  

And then when they disagree against their initial assertions they'll cash the ballot away due to xyz reason.

2019-07-21 07:37:48 UTC  

Ah, nice, Matt covers the video to a certain extent.

2019-07-21 07:37:54 UTC  

Time to watch dem Youtubez.

2019-07-21 17:24:42 UTC  

Wow the triad made a statement

2019-07-21 22:28:54 UTC  

You guys should take that academic agents new political compass test

2019-07-21 22:28:59 UTC

2019-07-21 23:32:53 UTC  

He had a really dumb one before that was about as bias toward ancaps as the original is toward ancoms

2019-07-21 23:47:04 UTC  

I see he's advanced to bars now. Better, but a lot of the statements I'm supposed to agree or disagree with are really vague and could be taken different ways

2019-07-21 23:56:21 UTC  

All of these tests are innacurate and simplistic but i find them fun none the less

2019-07-21 23:56:37 UTC  

They are also likely going to rewrite many of the questions

2019-07-22 00:14:05 UTC  

¿What's *"ancoms"*?

2019-07-22 00:15:17 UTC  


2019-07-22 00:17:37 UTC  

I have spoken to several anarcho syndicalists and all of those types of ideologies are completly utopian and almost incoherent

2019-07-22 00:30:46 UTC  

Anarcho syndicalists are the ones that say "trade unions should have all the power but that totally wouldn't make them the government" right?

2019-07-22 00:56:07 UTC  

Yeah I think so. Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist

2019-07-22 00:56:35 UTC  

Am I the only one who didn't get notified on YT about the stream or did YT suppress it due to the title

2019-07-22 00:57:18 UTC  

YT would call it a conspiracy theory / fake news title

2019-07-22 01:19:21 UTC  

YT routinely refuses to notify people of videos it doesn't want to promote

2019-07-22 01:29:09 UTC  

Does anyone know whether there's a format for Call-In show email questions?

2019-07-22 01:31:40 UTC  

I've got a pretty serious topic to discuss with you guys

2019-07-22 01:32:05 UTC  

Melania out of 10?
I'm leaning towards a 10 which is amazing because she's pushing 50

2019-07-22 01:32:56 UTC  

@wail regarding the email: about tweet length and put 'call in show question' in the subject line of the email. send it to '[email protected]'.

2019-07-22 01:33:02 UTC  

For a 50yo woman she is a ten

2019-07-22 01:54:06 UTC  

i'm a fan, @blonde in the belly of the beast. we like ya well enough.

2019-07-22 03:41:55 UTC  

Blonde is best. Need more conservative women to tell the pink haired freaks to STFU and let the real men do real work

2019-07-22 03:43:01 UTC  
2019-07-22 03:59:19 UTC  


2019-07-22 04:40:28 UTC  

¿Anarchist communists? That's like a fascist libertarian...

2019-07-22 04:42:11 UTC  

Mandatory Carry, why do you use double question marks as if this is Spanish?

2019-07-22 05:00:21 UTC  

Just follow it... Or not.

2019-07-22 06:00:16 UTC  

Without tons of emoticons

2019-07-22 06:01:02 UTC  

Just laugh in Spanish, "jajajaja"

2019-07-22 06:01:25 UTC  

What is Renfroi sado masochism? Not sure I wanna click

2019-07-22 06:02:59 UTC  

Because I got tired of being asked over and over again, so I out the page up so I wouldn't have to

2019-07-22 06:03:44 UTC  

And it's a Facebook page; If there was virus or something, Markie Mark would be in deep shit...

2019-07-22 06:04:31 UTC  

It's a public page, you don't need an account.