Message from @Bruce
Discord ID: 608525409067466752
I’m thinking about 15 types of soup @Clive
@Beemann I know it is, but i'm not talking about the finances. I'm talking about general public perception.
most people quietly hate it, thats why it doesnt make money
How is it that the Left can convince people that sexual censorship is progress, but when the Right suggests violence censorship it's viewed as ignorant?
when both things are based in the same principle.
I think it's vaguely more effective because wahmen
but I dont think it's successful overall
That specific content creates specific behaviors.
@Clive I guess I like asking questions soups. one of those two three minutes questions tucked in your head when you don’t know people.
also I think there's a tendency to shun sexual content in NA anyway
This shit, right here
Found the problem
You could do the exact same thing and say "Under-dressed women in video games cause men to be sexual predators"
You know what, I'm considering making my own version and posting it in r/gaming just as a test.
how much you want to bet it'll get taken down by the mods?
I got banned so fast from reddit
On r/marvel I called Captain Marvel "Carl Manvers"
yea, you instantly became the embodiment of the Patriarchy.
nobody ever learns the lessons of the anons
if you ban everyone who bothers you, you become a thin skinned cunt that nobody wants to deal with anyway
if you take shitposting and make it productive, you get gold
oh, speaking of the Democratic Socialists of America, you see their first meeting?
was I expected to?
I guess not
> thin skinned cunt
made me think of them
ah fair enough
but yeah, you're not going to explode if someone calls you a faggot, especially if you're not bundled up in some bizarre concern for your e-identity
I got a stupid question does any think some of these shootings are paid or black mail suicide shooters?
that's not stupid
I dont see any reason to believe that's the case
I mean, it's far-fetched, but... you know
far more likely that social breakdown has created desperate, violent people
Yeah but you can do a lot more damage with damage than just guns.
sure, but theyre making a political statement