Message from @Bruce

Discord ID: 608525409067466752

2019-08-07 04:56:52 UTC  

I’m thinking about 15 types of soup @Clive

2019-08-07 04:57:27 UTC  

@Beemann I know it is, but i'm not talking about the finances. I'm talking about general public perception.

2019-08-07 04:57:55 UTC  

most people quietly hate it, thats why it doesnt make money

2019-08-07 04:58:33 UTC  

How is it that the Left can convince people that sexual censorship is progress, but when the Right suggests violence censorship it's viewed as ignorant?

2019-08-07 04:58:46 UTC  

when both things are based in the same principle.

2019-08-07 04:59:11 UTC  

I think it's vaguely more effective because wahmen

2019-08-07 04:59:13 UTC  

@Bruce because they own media, education, news etc.

2019-08-07 04:59:17 UTC  

but I dont think it's successful overall

2019-08-07 04:59:25 UTC  

That specific content creates specific behaviors.

2019-08-07 04:59:48 UTC  

@Clive I guess I like asking questions soups. one of those two three minutes questions tucked in your head when you don’t know people.

2019-08-07 05:00:18 UTC  

also I think there's a tendency to shun sexual content in NA anyway

2019-08-07 05:00:26 UTC  

This shit, right here

2019-08-07 05:01:10 UTC  

Found the problem

2019-08-07 05:01:15 UTC  

You could do the exact same thing and say "Under-dressed women in video games cause men to be sexual predators"

2019-08-07 05:01:32 UTC  

@Beemann fair enough

2019-08-07 05:02:15 UTC  

You know what, I'm considering making my own version and posting it in r/gaming just as a test.

2019-08-07 05:02:23 UTC  

how much you want to bet it'll get taken down by the mods?

2019-08-07 05:02:35 UTC  


2019-08-07 05:02:43 UTC  

"We only allow certain types of outrage here!"

2019-08-07 05:02:43 UTC  


2019-08-07 05:02:49 UTC  

I got banned so fast from reddit

2019-08-07 05:03:16 UTC  

On r/marvel I called Captain Marvel "Carl Manvers"

2019-08-07 05:03:46 UTC  

yea, you instantly became the embodiment of the Patriarchy.

2019-08-07 05:04:47 UTC  

nobody ever learns the lessons of the anons

2019-08-07 05:05:21 UTC  

if you ban everyone who bothers you, you become a thin skinned cunt that nobody wants to deal with anyway

2019-08-07 05:05:33 UTC  

if you take shitposting and make it productive, you get gold

2019-08-07 05:05:50 UTC  

oh, speaking of the Democratic Socialists of America, you see their first meeting?

2019-08-07 05:06:09 UTC  

was I expected to?

2019-08-07 05:06:28 UTC  

I guess not

2019-08-07 05:06:41 UTC  

> thin skinned cunt
made me think of them

2019-08-07 05:06:45 UTC  

ah fair enough

2019-08-07 05:07:47 UTC  

but yeah, you're not going to explode if someone calls you a faggot, especially if you're not bundled up in some bizarre concern for your e-identity

2019-08-07 05:19:21 UTC  

I got a stupid question does any think some of these shootings are paid or black mail suicide shooters?

2019-08-07 05:19:48 UTC  

that's not stupid

2019-08-07 05:20:00 UTC  

I dont see any reason to believe that's the case

2019-08-07 05:20:00 UTC  

I mean, it's far-fetched, but... you know

2019-08-07 05:20:24 UTC  

far more likely that social breakdown has created desperate, violent people

2019-08-07 05:21:29 UTC  

Yeah but you can do a lot more damage with damage than just guns.

2019-08-07 05:21:51 UTC  

sure, but theyre making a political statement