Message from @Beemann
Discord ID: 608522868866809867
MK11 comes out and they've covered up all the women. When people complained everyone was like "Oh no, you don't get boobies. So sad, incel."
then, when they even slightly suggest reducing the violence in video games, suddenly everyone cares.
tbh MK has been all over the place
What is the MK?
compare MK 10 to 11
MK has been a clusterfuck for a long time
it's mostly just dumb that they chose to grandstand over it
Mortal Kombat
compare old MK to MK 9, 10
Now Sonya is a middle aged ugly ass lesbian
and we're just supposed to be okay with it because "progress"
I mean
attractiveness was never their strong suit anyway. Remember the manface era?
Kitana and Mileena were literally made to be fapbait
at least in art outside of the game
right, and there's nothing wrong with fapbait
what next, we're gonna censor Morrigan because she's ... *gasp* ... a succubus?
either all of it's wrong or none of it is
Beeman's right lol
or tiddy ninjas dying
Fucken hell Kasumi and... forget her name
@Clive chicken wild rice soup or PHO soup?
the other blonde chick
Senran is kill
because Sony has a stick up its ass
Senran Kagura just doesn't give a fuck
How is it that the Left is so adept at getting people to eat their shit while they call it "progress"?
@Eegren Airhiem what church talking bout willis
well it does, because it has an end date
@Clive I don’t understand?
You asked me about soup
@Bruce I dont think they are. "Get Woke Go Broke" is a thing for a reason
I’m thinking about 15 types of soup @Clive
@Beemann I know it is, but i'm not talking about the finances. I'm talking about general public perception.
most people quietly hate it, thats why it doesnt make money