Message from @ManAnimal

Discord ID: 613215049883975680

2019-08-20 02:10:28 UTC  

Real women will never live up to whatever imagination you make up for yourself. Porn just makes incels

2019-08-20 02:10:39 UTC  

Or pedophiles

2019-08-20 02:15:37 UTC  

@Legalize you're entirely right IMO, but I think literally no one has ever stopped watching porn because someone told them they should.

2019-08-20 02:15:47 UTC  

I always thought real women exceed anything I have seen in porn

2019-08-20 02:16:07 UTC  

Then I saw her face

2019-08-20 02:16:12 UTC  

I'm a believerrrrrr

2019-08-20 02:17:47 UTC  

I can see how porn can be destructive for some people, The attack on the USS Cole comes to mind. But I have never had any issue with differentiating one from the other.

2019-08-20 02:20:32 UTC  

@uncephalized I do have a hard time getting behind people like

2019-08-20 02:20:58 UTC  

Cause she fat

2019-08-20 02:21:03 UTC  

har har har

2019-08-20 02:21:35 UTC  

I acknowledge there is a dark side to pornography

2019-08-20 02:21:43 UTC  

But I don't watch black porn

2019-08-20 02:21:46 UTC  

har har har

2019-08-20 02:49:42 UTC  

Game update: We almost had to re-do all animation on Ted Bruz because an artist upgraded her animation tool to a version incompatible with the runtime. We upgraded the runtime to match, and found the new version didn't render any animations due to a bug. Six hours and one massive stupid hack later, everything is working again and HI I NEED A BEER how are you guys.

2019-08-20 02:50:14 UTC  

@vampirebox that sounds like quite the hassle.

2019-08-20 02:52:51 UTC  

And as far as porn is concerned, yeah. It's addictive and really does fuck with your sex life in the future.

Back in the day when you had to use magazines or buy physical CD's it wasn't so bad, but man. It's effects in the digital age are a lot larger than before.

I think the serotonin release from porn is the most harmful affect to your relationships. Limits your capacity to bond to mates. Though that issue also occurs with having multiple partners throughout your life.

2019-08-20 02:56:20 UTC  

If porn's a problem for you, sure, quit. Same if you're drinking too much soda or whatever. Can't just drink the peach juice, you gotta eat the peach too.

2019-08-20 02:57:10 UTC  

That analogy breaks down pretty fast once I start talking about dietary fiber and bowel movements.

2019-08-20 02:58:44 UTC  

Yeah, I'm not ever gonna advocate against porn bans or anything, but I would advise people to stay away. It isn't healthy, but that doesn't mean it will destroy you.

2019-08-20 03:33:02 UTC  

YT dying? ah... no. @DJ_Anuz

2019-08-20 03:37:40 UTC  

You forget; users don't pay for YT. They don't pay for Twitter nor any social media. (if they did pay, the UCC would give them certain rights under contract law) Users are NOT the ones that generate revenue for these platforms they are just a means to that end. It's the corporate advertising dollars that keeps them in business. So what? they loose a couple million dollars. That's chump change to YT. There will always be a big enough base to make YT profitable despite the various other platforms that are appearing. More than that, it isn't like those advertising dollars can actually FOLLOW those users that leave because no one in the alt-tech sphere wants to acknowledge the buisness model and thus refuse to even entertain the notion of ads.

2019-08-20 03:39:01 UTC  

Finally, for all the comptetion driving the development of alt-tech platforms, that competiton just waters down the pool of those who would prioritize free speech which strengthens YT as the goto platform as those who remain, ,remain together

2019-08-20 03:41:36 UTC  

I've said forever I would pay $10 a month to access youtube. I mean, I already do, but they're still playing their censorship games. If the money came from users directly by subscriptions, you'd still have the fringes threatening boycott and the censorship would continue as it already does. The issue is not who's got the money, it's the people with the money having an absurd notion that the speech next to which they advertise has any relation to their product.

2019-08-20 03:42:23 UTC  

i would as well. but see, i can understand why they don't really have any choice and i think that is the oppurtunity

2019-08-20 03:43:56 UTC  

so YT takes all their uploads and throws them in one bucket. they then have another bucket with all the ad slots they earn money on. They can't catergoize the videos quick enough and can' t risk randomly associating say BMW with an ISIS video; so they have to yank anything even REMOTELY questionable

2019-08-20 03:45:34 UTC  

but a platform that integrated pateron support, offered embeded ads and tier subscribptions while leveraging off the users to both categorize and validate the those categories via blockchain?

2019-08-20 03:46:21 UTC  

they could offer businesses of all sizes a choice of what level of risk the company felt comfortable with using the categories

2019-08-20 03:46:53 UTC  

and users could choose to share demographic data anonoymously. 100x the advertising value.

2019-08-20 03:48:20 UTC  

An interesting take. I think it's still susceptible to the same anticompetitive tactics we see today, though. If YouTube would balls up to the bar and tell the advertisers that, no, the videos their on do not represent them and that they're not playing this one-step-behind game with the trolls, then the problem goes away.

2019-08-20 03:48:34 UTC  


2019-08-20 03:48:59 UTC  

that would bring down the social media giants cause it would be WAY more effective advetising to the group that would BUY say a BMW rather than paying for that ad to be randomly paired with say PewDiePie

2019-08-20 03:50:18 UTC  

I don't think they can do that. And frankly, the corporate marketing departs would just go elsewhere.

2019-08-20 03:50:42 UTC  

the trouble with marketing is that you can't really prove when it is wasted

2019-08-20 03:51:31 UTC  

so the corporations keep dumping money into marketing and just consider it a cost of doing business while most of the marketing is staffed by SJws

2019-08-20 03:52:58 UTC  

the entire business model isn't about competition; it's about drowning out the voice of the little guy, insuring you'll always attract enough NPC customers to stay afloat

2019-08-20 03:53:26 UTC  

afterall, branding is a hell of alot easier than staying on top of your competition

2019-08-20 03:55:29 UTC  

social media cuts through their smoke screen and that is a threat to both the corporate world and gov. they want social media muzzled. THey will let the big bois stay around but only as long as they agree to follow their rules. One side blames Russia: silence social media. The other side blames the Dems: Silence social media. And plebes on the Left and Right are too busy bickering at each other to notice.

2019-08-20 03:57:16 UTC  

Smoke and Mirrors. They both play for the same team.

2019-08-20 03:57:47 UTC  
2019-08-20 04:19:22 UTC  

mass social media platforms are tools for government and corporations. Smaller, decentralized platforms are what you would use if you wanted to really make a dent

2019-08-20 04:19:56 UTC  

which is what's being used in Hong Kong right now from what I can tell