Message from @RoadtoDawn

Discord ID: 619189762959343627

2019-09-05 03:35:08 UTC  

I'm joining the robot side.

2019-09-05 03:35:18 UTC  

There's so few of my people left in Australia who cares.

2019-09-05 03:36:38 UTC  

And with that, I'm out. Night folks. 😛

2019-09-05 03:37:10 UTC  

Cya bud👍

2019-09-05 03:46:00 UTC  
2019-09-05 13:31:11 UTC  

Hoes mad that Japan won't ban the imperial flag from the 2020 Olympics

2019-09-05 13:33:00 UTC  

There are retards freaking out about Fukushima in the comments too.

2019-09-05 13:57:23 UTC  

first nazi olympics since 1936

2019-09-05 13:57:37 UTC  

we got em on the ropes

2019-09-05 13:58:56 UTC  

Letting random people display authoritarian symbols is bad because Japan isn't being authoritarian enough to ban them

2019-09-05 15:04:20 UTC  

@bashpr0mpt haplo R1b 4 lief bro

2019-09-05 15:09:27 UTC  

Dating in a large metro area shines a light on how damaged our females have become.

2019-09-05 15:10:07 UTC  

"Why do you hate trump?"

"Because racist bigot disgusting xenophobe racist"

2019-09-05 15:13:15 UTC  

Am I the only one still in disbelief Banjo & Kazooie are in SSBU? There's some incredibly odd matchups you can have, too, with them vs. Fire Emblem characters or Bayonetta. What a time to be alive

2019-09-05 15:15:29 UTC  

Banjo vs Terry finals when

2019-09-05 15:16:21 UTC  

Realtalk though, when is
getting added to smash?

2019-09-05 15:16:44 UTC  

Also Viewtiful Joe and Travis Touchdown deserve to be in and aren't

2019-09-05 15:17:30 UTC  

Oh shoot that reminds me, dude. Shadows of the Damned and NMH are in the same verse. Travis literally talks about playing the game lol

2019-09-05 15:18:05 UTC  

0% surprise

2019-09-05 15:18:48 UTC  

Must have had at least 8 playthroughs of SotD

2019-09-05 15:19:03 UTC  

We need our NMH3 and SotD2

2019-09-05 15:19:39 UTC  

I'd also love for BoF to see a bit of a revival

2019-09-05 15:19:49 UTC  

Maybe even get a character in a Mahvel entry finally

2019-09-05 15:22:39 UTC  

Man I would shell out for a properly translated BoF2

2019-09-05 15:23:01 UTC  

So many good ideas in that game

2019-09-05 15:23:39 UTC  

Ahh, that's one series I haven't played. But I won't have any excuse much longer since they're adding BoF to Switch Online

2019-09-05 15:23:50 UTC  

BoF1 is real basic

2019-09-05 15:24:14 UTC  

If you're not keen on like, DQ, Earthbound, OG FF level stuff you may get bored

2019-09-05 15:24:39 UTC  

I played FF1 and 2 last year, so I'm ok with bare bones stuff

2019-09-05 15:24:41 UTC  

But 2 has the tear system and Ray and 2 endings (of which the bad end is the better one)

2019-09-05 15:25:10 UTC  

Fusion, individual character arcs, etc

2019-09-05 15:25:37 UTC  

BoF from 2 onwards deals with grey area moral questions very well

2019-09-05 15:26:48 UTC  

It seems that the latest BoF didn't get localized

2019-09-05 15:27:10 UTC  

6 is mobage

2019-09-05 15:27:28 UTC  

Did 2 get crappy translation or something? lol

2019-09-05 15:27:31 UTC  


2019-09-05 15:28:07 UTC  

1 had a Squaresoft translation, which meant it went through a team with experience. 2 was where Capcom tried to cut out the middleman and did *not* succeed

2019-09-05 15:28:30 UTC  

Which sucks because of the two 2 definitely has the better narrative and characters

2019-09-05 15:29:48 UTC  

There's even a sort of proto relationship system where the emotional state/trust level of your party members are shown by a gem on the dialogue window when you speak with them

2019-09-05 15:30:48 UTC  

That's cool. Speaking of Earthbound and translations, I need to play Mother 3

2019-09-05 15:31:10 UTC  

None of the BoF games are on the SNES Classic, right?