Message from @I Know a Fat Guy

Discord ID: 627881056506216448

2019-09-29 14:48:35 UTC  

So theres that

2019-09-29 14:48:42 UTC  

Also trusts silicone valley

2019-09-29 14:48:48 UTC  

Get what you can while we crush the economy...

2019-09-29 14:48:53 UTC  

Actually nvm shes a commie and I hate her

2019-09-29 14:48:58 UTC  

Oh never mind haha

2019-09-29 14:49:03 UTC  

I think its going to be Warren....Don't think Biden has the mental ability to make it....Bernie is just going to be seen as a angry uncompromising man

2019-09-29 14:49:27 UTC  

So in what way is she redpilled Chad?

2019-09-29 14:49:49 UTC  

"She's Asian" by itself pretty much explained her Yang support.

2019-09-29 14:50:04 UTC  

Bernie has already collapsed in NH.

2019-09-29 14:50:45 UTC  

Warren backing away from a absolute medicare for all will help her..

2019-09-29 14:51:15 UTC  

Anti feminist , sjw, pro gun, etc.

2019-09-29 14:51:26 UTC  

I suppose her economic views need some work

2019-09-29 14:51:34 UTC  

well that's something

2019-09-29 14:51:40 UTC  

May have jumped the gun and my bias towards dat ass is blinding me

2019-09-29 14:51:54 UTC  

Be a strong male figure and lead her away from Communism

2019-09-29 14:52:56 UTC  

Trying to

2019-09-29 14:53:37 UTC  

With Warren hating the wealthy isn't a core of her campaign so she can drop that and no one will she is smart enough to know how to not answer yet somehow sound like you answered the question...

2019-09-29 14:54:18 UTC  

Shell die in a debate with trump

2019-09-29 14:54:30 UTC  

Like all women on a debate stage, emotion takes over

2019-09-29 14:54:32 UTC  


2019-09-29 14:55:09 UTC  

well I said nomination.....

2019-09-29 14:55:31 UTC  

The Trump v Warren thing would be interesting....

2019-09-29 14:55:38 UTC  

But a interesting thought.....

2019-09-29 14:56:14 UTC  

If the house does impeach......Do Warren quit campaigning in order to go back to DC for the trial which could take a long time?

2019-09-29 15:02:03 UTC  

Isn't that up to Mitch?

2019-09-29 15:02:58 UTC  

No Mitch can't make them attend

2019-09-29 15:03:25 UTC  

Mitch controls the Senate calendar.

2019-09-29 15:03:58 UTC  

oh....I'm sure Mitch would schedule it for the most inconvenvent time

2019-09-29 15:04:17 UTC  

If he schedules it at all.

2019-09-29 15:05:18 UTC  

I doubt he would do that...Cause he could make the time of the trial terrible for Dems on the campaign and plus with the majority of the Senate Rebulicans he can make it look really bad for the Dems

2019-09-29 15:05:36 UTC  

Plus avoiding it would just look bad

2019-09-29 15:07:03 UTC  

Is he that much of an optics cuck? I'm not so sure.

2019-09-29 15:07:21 UTC  

He brought up the Green New Deal for a vote

2019-09-29 15:08:16 UTC  

That was about Dem optics, not his own.

2019-09-29 15:09:01 UTC  

But avoiding the trial would look like the Rebulicans were afraid of it....

2019-09-29 15:10:08 UTC  

Not if the House impeachment is a total partisan farce (which it already is).

2019-09-29 15:10:29 UTC  

It kind of was when they did it to Clinton

2019-09-29 15:11:09 UTC  

This is much more farcical than the Clinton impeachment.

2019-09-29 15:11:41 UTC  

Clinton also didn't have a Dem Senate to bury the impeachment.

2019-09-29 15:12:11 UTC  

I'm sure there would be a trial since no way they would get 67 votes

2019-09-29 15:15:16 UTC  

But if I were to guess right vote to impeach Trump in the House....I bet Nancy thinks better of it and just kills it in the house