Message from @uncephalized

Discord ID: 637113300068597760

2019-10-25 02:17:49 UTC  

Sure. They're all (((tribal)))

2019-10-25 02:18:12 UTC  

Not all. I get excitable in my zeap.

2019-10-25 02:18:13 UTC  

even that one for kids is a joke

2019-10-25 02:18:17 UTC  


2019-10-25 02:18:18 UTC  

united something

2019-10-25 02:18:47 UTC  

my dad was on the board in the 80's and he and 3 other people walked out when they had an account sitting with 20mil doing nothing

2019-10-25 02:18:53 UTC  

united way

2019-10-25 02:19:02 UTC  

The one with the hands.

2019-10-25 02:19:04 UTC  


2019-10-25 02:19:06 UTC  


2019-10-25 02:19:08 UTC  

yes indeed, the JQ really is the last fucking jenga block when the tower that is US politics just comes tumbling down, and suddenly, the fun games are over, and ya dont really feel like "playing" anymore lol

2019-10-25 02:19:16 UTC  

the multi colored hands... i think this was in phili

2019-10-25 02:19:32 UTC  

it becomes a lot less cute and fun lol

2019-10-25 02:19:34 UTC  

It's the question that stops a lot of head scratching.

2019-10-25 02:19:57 UTC  

And starts a lot of other things. Not trying to fed post.

2019-10-25 02:20:08 UTC  

accountant to my dads right says " why dont we put the 10 million into an interest bearing account? we could get 6% and get the 300k we need in a few months"

2019-10-25 02:20:17 UTC  

Any crying Nazi fans in this room?

2019-10-25 02:20:25 UTC  

chairman "that money cant be moved"

2019-10-25 02:20:40 UTC  

@nadrud oven ready

2019-10-25 02:20:44 UTC  

absolutely. once you see it, its literally mentally taxing how in your face it is after you notice whats going on, its impossible to unsee it

2019-10-25 02:20:47 UTC  

> is that any more crippling than a union that forces guy A to carry the door and guy B to carry the hindges?
These things are both bad. Whataboutism is not a real argument.

2019-10-25 02:21:16 UTC  

you get re-affirmed that no, you arent crazy, youre not hateful, youre not insane literally 3 times a week minimuum

2019-10-25 02:21:35 UTC  

@uncephalized I've had some difficulty tracking your position. Are you saying automators are bad or what

2019-10-25 02:21:37 UTC  

i had an extra point ontop of that point i made but its ok

2019-10-25 02:21:58 UTC  

welcome to the convo

2019-10-25 02:22:10 UTC  

i wanted it to be something better than fountain pens tonight

2019-10-25 02:22:10 UTC  

@CCRed95 not sure if you're talking about ra but if you are hmu on the telegram

2019-10-25 02:22:33 UTC  

Or dm me

2019-10-25 02:22:35 UTC  


2019-10-25 02:23:09 UTC  

@Make Jerusalem Christian Again they will be both, depending on who you ask, as with every new technology. The more important thing is that they are inevitable and as with all change, it is adapt or die.

2019-10-25 02:23:34 UTC  

@uncephalized I can buy that.

2019-10-25 02:23:44 UTC  

yes but the technology has to prove itself

2019-10-25 02:24:00 UTC  

people who jump the shark on new tech either get rich or go broke.

2019-10-25 02:24:03 UTC  

most go broke

2019-10-25 02:25:36 UTC  

my main point is, be cautious of politicians giving doomsdays scenarios over an industry they do not have but an outlier horizontal foothold...

2019-10-25 02:26:07 UTC  

its like the guy flying helicopters in the mall saying hes going to take over the airline industry

2019-10-25 02:26:23 UTC  

"oh really how?"

2019-10-25 02:26:39 UTC  

"i have a better control device and software"

2019-10-25 02:26:42 UTC  

"oh ok"

2019-10-25 02:27:28 UTC  

how are you going to handle the vertical aspects of our business?

2019-10-25 02:27:40 UTC  

"what?, i just know how to make software man"