Message from @A. Spader

Discord ID: 639961935915253781

2019-11-01 22:42:50 UTC  

Again proving my initial point about you precisely.

2019-11-01 22:43:05 UTC  

>not giving the example

2019-11-01 22:46:01 UTC  


2019-11-01 22:47:24 UTC  

What specifically are you talking about? I'm not your diary bruh. I dont keep track of your every thought

2019-11-01 22:50:47 UTC  

>"haha I fucked your mom"
>"that's a retard level insult"
>"haha stop sperging out bro. You've never met real men"

2019-11-01 22:50:59 UTC  

whatever dude

2019-11-01 22:51:27 UTC  

>I can't remember the example you gave 5 minutes ago, despite the fact that we never stopped talking about that

2019-11-01 22:52:18 UTC  

Except you didn't call it a retard level insult. That was McFansy. You cried about how offended you were.

2019-11-01 22:52:36 UTC  

no *I* called it a retard level insult

2019-11-01 22:53:23 UTC  

"reminder that "I screwed your mom" digs are retard tier shitposting that demonstrate nothing beyond you're a coward who speaks things behind a keyboard you wouldn't say to a person's face"

2019-11-01 22:53:37 UTC  

I'll say it to your face.

2019-11-01 22:53:53 UTC  

And yes. Getting emotional over something every male goes through is a really good indicator both of you being a sperg and of having little to no male interaction.

2019-11-01 22:54:28 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist I didn't call it retarded, just that it was on "muh dick" level

2019-11-01 22:54:54 UTC  

Lol. And that's not retarded in your book...?

2019-11-01 22:55:06 UTC  

explain to me in your fucking little utopia here how I'm supposed to react to you saying you fucked my mother

2019-11-01 22:55:51 UTC  

Lol. Banter back? The same way normal people do literally everyday...?

2019-11-01 22:57:46 UTC  

Beto dropped out

2019-11-01 22:59:03 UTC  

I banter with people all the time. Never had them say they fucked my mother as an insult, because that level of public crassness is far from universal

2019-11-01 22:59:04 UTC  


2019-11-01 22:59:57 UTC  

Lol. It really is.

2019-11-01 23:00:15 UTC  

The Corps or the Federal Government is no doubt a different enviroment, but don't pretend that your experience is universal

2019-11-01 23:00:49 UTC  

I don't see why it bothers you so much.

2019-11-01 23:00:59 UTC  

You know he didn't actually fuck your mother, right?

2019-11-01 23:01:12 UTC  

of course not

2019-11-01 23:01:17 UTC  

Kevin went to the School of Modern Warfare 2 Mic Screamers

2019-11-01 23:01:18 UTC  

Acting like your mom jokes are even remotely uncommon is making you look like an even bigger sperg fam.

2019-11-01 23:01:33 UTC  


2019-11-01 23:01:39 UTC  

but I have enormous respect for my parents and it makes me angry to feel so utterly powerless when they're slandered

2019-11-01 23:02:07 UTC  

> slandered

2019-11-01 23:02:23 UTC  

Lol. Hence the joke...

2019-11-01 23:03:04 UTC  

ha ha then

2019-11-01 23:03:07 UTC  

so funny

2019-11-01 23:03:51 UTC  

making fun of me doesn't sting in the same way making fun of my parents does

2019-11-01 23:04:09 UTC  

if that makes me "spergy" or "sheltered" fine, so be it

2019-11-01 23:04:15 UTC  

Yes... it is precisely a good dig because it gets under people's skin because everyone respects their parents.

2019-11-01 23:04:29 UTC  

well, not everyone

2019-11-01 23:04:54 UTC  

And moreover, the calling me a sodomite in response was really fucking weird.

2019-11-01 23:05:15 UTC  

Lol. What a strange place to go.

2019-11-01 23:05:34 UTC  

how much truth do you want from me here? Because the truth is I was grasping for something that makes me less of a target

2019-11-01 23:05:48 UTC  

something to turn your own insult around on you

2019-11-01 23:05:58 UTC  

or joke