Message from @Hastur
Discord ID: 647897922712895499
but that works too
Brook is a rat, but he's not dumb.
Oh, right.
Good point.
>implying there's a difference
I mean
is there?
(((Atlas Shrugged))) = Russian Talmud confirmed.
Rubin, Shapiro, Rucka - I know
Who is Brook?
yaron brook
I think
he's a secular humanist libertarian, if memory serves
''chairman of the board at the Ayn Rand Institute'' - ?
makes sense
fwiw: fuentes first got noticed for trolling
his fellow BU students w/ video where he said:
Multiculturalism is cancer.
I didn't realize Brook was also a Jew...
I knew Rubin and Rucka were.
Hell, Rucka is Isreali... He's super Jew.
I feel like an idiot now...
Who is Jewish?
My first thought had been David Brooks-
the tame conservative at NYT & NPR.
He's jewish, but he's dropping hints that
he may convert to christianity.
glad to hear it
I may find his politics insufferable but I rejoice at anyone accepting the grace of God
My mom is Scot-Irish???
My first thought was Mel Brooks... >_>
"Nobody move, or the Nigger gets it!"
"How many Assholes do we have on this ship?"
Actually, @Unironic Ohio Supremecist there is something I always wanted to know. Maybe you can help me out with it.
On the Racial Purity chart, where do the Anglo-Saxons sit?
I'm not sure I understand the question.
Like compared to the Germans. Did the Nazi's consider the English/Scottish/Irish to be as low as other undesirable races, or were they Racially pure enough?
I mean
the NSDAP did not in alot of their speeches. They didn't regard them the way, say, they regarded the slavs
Germany attempted peace with England multiple times
That is true.
Now that I'm thinking about it. I'm remembering how Hitler was all buddy buddy with the Duke of Windsor and his wife, Lollis Simpson.