Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist
Discord ID: 647890777573294080
He went toe to toe with Cenk... That's gotta count for something.
The one person dumber than a college feminist?
I mean...
I can't argue with that...
"Google it..."
>muh money recirculation
I started really disliking Ben when Rucka and Rubin both tried to get him and Brook to debate on Rubin's show. Ben still won't do it.
big think
Christ, what a clusterfuck of Talmudry that is...
the irony being shapiro is prolly the only one of the lot of them who's actually read the books
Rand's books?
Highly doubt it.
I mean the judaic of the old cannon
but that works too
Brook is a rat, but he's not dumb.
Oh, right.
Good point.
I mean
is there?
(((Atlas Shrugged))) = Russian Talmud confirmed.
Rubin, Shapiro, Rucka - I know
Who is Brook?
yaron brook
I think
he's a secular humanist libertarian, if memory serves
''chairman of the board at the Ayn Rand Institute'' - ?
makes sense
fwiw: fuentes first got noticed for trolling
his fellow BU students w/ video where he said:
Multiculturalism is cancer.
I didn't realize Brook was also a Jew...
I knew Rubin and Rucka were.
Hell, Rucka is Isreali... He's super Jew.
*Suddenly remembers all the jews with the last name Brooks*
I feel like an idiot now...
Who is Jewish?