Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 656277709525221376

2019-12-16 23:25:25 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:25:31 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:25:37 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:25:42 UTC  

imagine not supporting gun rights

2019-12-16 23:25:48 UTC  

>is beer

2019-12-16 23:25:49 UTC  

fucking europhiles

2019-12-16 23:26:12 UTC

2019-12-16 23:27:28 UTC  

So how long has Jetpuff really been listening if he had no idea where I stand on this stuff?

2019-12-16 23:28:36 UTC  

I've been listening to the main podcast for probably a year. Listened to a couple call in shows. I have no idea who you are.

2019-12-16 23:29:03 UTC  

Pressing X on that fam...

2019-12-16 23:29:18 UTC  

Okay dokey

2019-12-16 23:29:38 UTC  

Newfag confirmed.

2019-12-16 23:30:13 UTC  

Ah yes, the way to win someone over is insults.

2019-12-16 23:30:28 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:30:34 UTC  

Are you Charlie Sheen?

2019-12-16 23:30:39 UTC  

Lol. It's just banter fam.

2019-12-16 23:31:00 UTC  

Being new would be fine.

2019-12-16 23:31:06 UTC  

Anyway, I'm always a day-after listener of the main show. The chat replay is turned off there. And I think I've done maybe 4 or 5 call in shows after the fact.

2019-12-16 23:31:10 UTC  

Not being new would be fine.

2019-12-16 23:33:13 UTC  

As long as you're anything but a jew it's fine

2019-12-16 23:33:19 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:33:19 UTC  

as long as you don't like Ben Shapiro it's fine

2019-12-16 23:33:34 UTC  

Imagine being a jew...

2019-12-16 23:33:37 UTC  

Ah, welcome to the chat. Don't mind the trash, they are rather vocal at times. On off days the chat is kinda dead but on call in show days it's more lively

2019-12-16 23:33:39 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:34:02 UTC  

Don't listen to @Purple he's one of (((them)))

2019-12-16 23:34:07 UTC  


2019-12-16 23:34:11 UTC  

he's still in his libshit days cause he'sl ike 15

2019-12-16 23:34:30 UTC  

Purple literally doesn't believe in evolution.

2019-12-16 23:34:34 UTC  

They present themselves

2019-12-16 23:34:36 UTC  

He'll grow out of it the first time he has to pay taxes and 20-30% of his income disappears/

2019-12-16 23:34:45 UTC  

Like... Ken Hamm is more familiar.

2019-12-16 23:35:24 UTC  

Or when he looks at his pay stubs

2019-12-16 23:35:35 UTC  

Like I said, just here because I'm a big supporter of gun rights and traditional gender roles. All this other stuff is noise.

2019-12-16 23:35:45 UTC  

"It says I got paid 1200 but I only got 900 ... what's OASDI?"

2019-12-16 23:36:11 UTC  

@JetPuffed did you know that interracial marriages are more likely to end in divorce and have spousal violence?

2019-12-16 23:36:20 UTC  

Do you think that affects "traditional gender roles"?

2019-12-16 23:36:55 UTC  

Also before Purple spazzed out as says I don't like brown people.

2019-12-16 23:36:59 UTC  

It doesn't matter what group

2019-12-16 23:37:05 UTC  

this is all interacial marriages

2019-12-16 23:37:13 UTC  

I have no idea. Just have the woman follow and the man lead. That's where I stop caring about other people's affairs.