Message from @Unironic Ohio Supremecist

Discord ID: 657302411592859689

2019-12-19 19:21:10 UTC  

If y'all are really wanting to persuade them, why do you keep resorting to ad homs about their motivations?

2019-12-19 19:21:11 UTC  

you could decide as an individual, as a family or a community to decide to abstain from whatever you want

2019-12-19 19:21:39 UTC  

@A. Spader we can def agree that mobile discord is awful. I'd shake your hand, but I don't know where it's been.

2019-12-19 19:22:04 UTC  

@Black Cat with Bitter Draught, he's a mischling.

2019-12-19 19:22:11 UTC  

@Black Cat because the subject matter is ridiculous

2019-12-19 19:22:27 UTC  

And Jews gonna jew.

2019-12-19 19:22:30 UTC  

And the jokes present themselves

2019-12-19 19:22:31 UTC  

@Black Cat which side are you talking to? Ad homs from all sides lol

2019-12-19 19:22:34 UTC  

not really, as I said earlier it's not really about porn

2019-12-19 19:22:42 UTC  

it's about liberty vs authority

2019-12-19 19:22:46 UTC  

Why not both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

2019-12-19 19:22:57 UTC  

License vs authority*

2019-12-19 19:22:58 UTC  

Ad homs are fun and this is discord

2019-12-19 19:23:09 UTC  

anyone want to vc about 2nd amendmwnt in virginia?

2019-12-19 19:23:10 UTC  

Couldn't agree more. Saying mUh theocracy and saying everyone who wants a porn ban is just an addict is a pretty retarded way of arguing

2019-12-19 19:23:26 UTC  

I aim to create discord.

2019-12-19 19:23:33 UTC  

which is why I haven't been using that approach myself

2019-12-19 19:23:39 UTC  

That's okay I guess, as long as nobody's expecting anything to come of it

2019-12-19 19:24:01 UTC  

oh oh Black Cat said come......

2019-12-19 19:24:34 UTC  

Spader's point of view reminds me of Republican politicians being all outraged about homosexuality, then you find out they're banging dudes in carparks or something. Spader's so against it that I worry he engages in it and feels the need to be publicly outraged about it.

2019-12-19 19:25:07 UTC  

Even if that were true, which I highly doubt, so?

2019-12-19 19:25:31 UTC  

Right, I don't care that Spader watches porn. He's not me or other people, so it doesn't impact me. I don't want a ban. He does.

2019-12-19 19:25:42 UTC  

@JetPuffed wow what an original take

2019-12-19 19:25:56 UTC  

You can be against something and not be secretly a crippled addict to it, though

2019-12-19 19:26:10 UTC  

But even if your smear was true, would that make anything Spader said wrong?

2019-12-19 19:26:10 UTC  

also comparing me to a republican politician is about the worst thing you could say

2019-12-19 19:26:13 UTC  

True, but he seems extremely preoccupied with it.

2019-12-19 19:26:30 UTC  

@A. Spader
Ok Senator Rubio.

2019-12-19 19:26:34 UTC  

yeah because it's like the first argument worth having the right has had in years

2019-12-19 19:26:37 UTC  
2019-12-19 19:26:48 UTC  


2019-12-19 19:26:58 UTC  

I don't get the Rubio reference 😦

2019-12-19 19:27:09 UTC  

Senator from my state of residence

2019-12-19 19:27:18 UTC  

"republican" senator

2019-12-19 19:27:24 UTC  

@Black Cat
"Spader" is genuinely Marco Rubio.

2019-12-19 19:27:33 UTC  


2019-12-19 19:27:50 UTC  

@Unironic Ohio Supremecist except I'm a) not a papist and b) not a cuck on immigration

2019-12-19 19:28:06 UTC  

>not a cuck

2019-12-19 19:28:22 UTC  

some of us believe in borders

2019-12-19 19:28:41 UTC  

Also, is that a tacit admission that you *are* a Cuban who goes to foam parties...?

2019-12-19 19:28:50 UTC  

This is what I get for having Discord open when I'm writing 🙄