Message from @A. Spader

Discord ID: 657350302210588703

2019-12-19 22:29:05 UTC  

🇵 🇮 🇱 🇵 🇺 🇱

2019-12-19 22:29:16 UTC

2019-12-19 22:29:18 UTC  

Toll= PAID

2019-12-19 22:29:24 UTC  

I didn't say that was you. I'm saying that argument was trying to conflate two completely different topic, which takes mental contortions to make sound logical. Whereas Matt has a simple standard, ie it violates other's rights = it should be banned, it doesn't = it shouldn't be banned.

2019-12-19 22:29:50 UTC  

You're focusing so much on the trees you're missing the forest

2019-12-19 22:29:56 UTC  


2019-12-19 22:30:04 UTC  

yeah that's definitely me doing that

2019-12-19 22:30:39 UTC  

Well you're focusing on his usage of "publishing" vs "speech" rather than looking at the perspective as a whole sooo.... lol

2019-12-19 22:30:41 UTC  

yet another thing - is porn a right?

2019-12-19 22:30:53 UTC  

neither Matt nor you give a clear answer on that

2019-12-19 22:31:39 UTC  

My ability to do what I see fit that doesn't harm anyone else is a right. My viewing of porn doesn't inherently harm someone else. Therefore, it is part of my right to do what I see fit, yes.

2019-12-19 22:33:04 UTC  

alright, so by your standard, what is destructive personally is completely fine, even if it alters your own nature, as long as it "doesn't hurt anyone else"

2019-12-19 22:33:37 UTC  

of course by this standards anything like a ban on drugs or narcotics is a violation of your rights

2019-12-19 22:33:41 UTC  

Sure. It isn't the government's job to protect me from myself. It is their job to protect me from others

2019-12-19 22:33:53 UTC  

as is any actions against child pornogrophy

2019-12-19 22:33:56 UTC  

> hur dur only my rights matter
t. Lolbergs

2019-12-19 22:34:26 UTC  

as is a great number of other things we have made illegal already

2019-12-19 22:34:43 UTC  

At least, that was the original intent. Obviously the government has grown exponentially to the point where it intrudes even in my ability to do what I want that doesn't harm others

2019-12-19 22:35:08 UTC

2019-12-19 22:35:12 UTC  

What I'm saying is, that's the ideal via our founding documents. Not how it is implemented today.

2019-12-19 22:35:25 UTC  


2019-12-19 22:35:45 UTC  

have you read what those same founders did in the first and second congresses, and what the states did?

2019-12-19 22:36:06 UTC  

*founding documents*

2019-12-19 22:36:08 UTC  

not founders

2019-12-19 22:36:38 UTC  

so the people who wrote the documents changed their minds completely about government the second after they adopted the constitution?

2019-12-19 22:36:42 UTC  

Lol. I love this idea that Madison and Adams would have been okay with PornHub existing...

2019-12-19 22:36:52 UTC  

It's baffling.

2019-12-19 22:37:08 UTC  

didnt you know? the Founding Fathers were full blown fedora tipping atheists

2019-12-19 22:37:20 UTC  

"the founders would be okay with all my favorite moral degeneracies"

2019-12-19 22:37:25 UTC  

It doesn't matter what they would be ok with. They lined out a government that allows it. The outline of which is supposed to still be our standard for law today.

2019-12-19 22:37:28 UTC  

When you're right, you're right.

2019-12-19 22:37:30 UTC  

t. person who has never read what the founders wrote

2019-12-19 22:37:39 UTC  

@ScootDood it literally does not

2019-12-19 22:38:10 UTC  

the constitution was in place for less than 10 years before *federal* obscenity laws

2019-12-19 22:38:18 UTC  

Lol, you're welcome to that opinion man, but the documents are right there to read if you want 👌

2019-12-19 22:39:08 UTC  

the right to speech was not the right to obsenity, is literally what the founders who wrote *the right to speech* legislated

2019-12-19 22:39:33 UTC  

Never said it was speech. But keep putting words in my mouth lol

2019-12-19 22:39:36 UTC  

> It doesn't matter what they would be ok with.
>what the people who wrote the law meant doesn't matter
> They lined out a government that allows it.
Lol. No. If they had, they would not have immediately passed obscenity laws.
> The outline of which is supposed to still be our standard for law today.
But the actual standard is literally the opposite of what you're claiming.

2019-12-19 22:39:37 UTC  

makes your argument convincing

2019-12-19 22:39:46 UTC  

also implied I've never read our founding documents lol

2019-12-19 22:40:23 UTC  

you may have read the declaration, or the federalist papers, or even the constitution. Doesn't mean you know what the founders meant