Message from @Danacrag
Discord ID: 660157142468395034
status seeking is unenlightened. if you are really a utilitarian and everyone has equal value, why are you seeking to be above others?
social status is an addiction, an attempt to cover up painful emotions
who are you talking to? @ethaneasy
@appa i always loose contact with you on discord
@appa are you still into politics?
yes, its good to be beautiful,but no, dont be sad if you arent.
why can nobody walk this line?
Being 'positive' and trying to avoid negative emotions, by ignoring them, just leads to more unhappiness, because you are just pushing them down deeper, instead of understanding them and getting to the root of them.
The goal is to be 100% happy all the time.
Good afternyan eveynyan! Merry Christmas! Could do with having certainty in my life. I have a lot of things I'm not sure about, things that could change rapidly, and it causes me a fair bit of stress.
@Danacrag hey
@Deleted User your avi is cute
She looks like she is barking
I wanna be barking
Hopefully daddy will make me bark
I can never determine your mood
I'm always sad and horny @Danacrag
Doesnt that hurt jesus or something?
Jesus is dead
I havent been following the storyline
It's a trilogy now
The extended universe content is considered non cannon
And most people who like the second book say the third is non canon
whats the third book tho
The Qur'an
There's a supposed alternative third Book but basically no one thinks it's cannon
It's called the Book of Mormon
@chaizu that's my favorite book
Idk this BBC sissy stuff disgusts me tbh
I'm legit surprised by that, but yeah I'm not into gay stuff.
Idk it just makes me feel bad that otherwise lefty people have this hyper masculine view of black guys
Because they're BLACK KINGS
Well the black community has more gays iirc than white people do so they probably have more femininity if anything. But a lot of black people have worked really hard to exclude the gays and maintain the image of black hypernasculinity because something something slavery