Message from @swiggity
Discord ID: 672868255047876618
so i have to remember to check my edit file every morning to make sure i didnt make anything the night before lol
also where can i post photos here
Depends on what kind really
this server is fuggin big
lots of channels to explore
i found where my photo belongs
Swiggity got invited by me. Another page is fucking with him so inma just meme the fuck out of them
ty king
y'all are real ones
@swiggity I knew the thumbnail looked familiar
I've been keepin up with the drama. Boosted him on my page when he was catchin the shadow zucc the other day
@swiggity yo, welcome to thunderdome
zucc caught onto me quick
We got a few /k/ n boog pages up in here
And now you're one of us
I hate bullies. Bullies are like the feds. Fuck them.
one of us
One of us
ikr what the fuck is the point in putting someone down who's spreading the same message as you
that's like if i was running for president and had all my supporters assassinated
@swiggity he has some sort of paper trip goin for him
Because they need to be the big dick alpha dude they arent irl
I'm hungry
Too tired to cook
too poor to buy food
@насильственное убийство no one cares shortnik, go eat a dick if you're so hungry
grass hut shitter XD
oh shit i like it here
even the color looks like diarrhea
You gotta earn ya way up to the big show
such is life
@thedarkness05 I'm still at pleb life
Blowing squid helps. That's how I got my promotion
@slvr_neo bruh
oh shit thanks for the advice
@mcguyver123 it be like that