Message from @Jignx
Discord ID: 288636388344332289
No screws on it, unfortunately 😦
either you use it and have a paranoia mindset or you pry it open and kinda glue/tape it up after
I have a feeling it's made of that rubbery kinda fragile plastic
are keyloggers in that kind of equipment an actual thing ?
whelp already shattered one of my magnets
I wouldn't think so unless it was kinda chunky enough to fit some sort of chip and send some info to tell the pc to connect and send the info somewhere. That or it just secretely installs something.
Well traffic analysis could do the job then
i have enough
for what i need to do
I had a look inside, prying the thing apart, but with some how nothing breaking and there's a ceramic cap and a black blob on the inside
Doubt that says anything
I plugged it in, works fine. Not seeing anything suspicious so far
ur keys have already been logged
damn chinks
I checked the adapter though device manager, and it seems to just use a Microsoft driver, so i'm probably fine
>get a new router
>internet slow down on ethernet
>but wifi moves at full speed
Ethernet is obsolete technology
oh wow..
>2017 >not using 4G
white men are obsolete
I want this
looks pretty
wut specs
tube shaped phone when
wikileaks just released a bunch of CIA exploits
keep non-/csg/ content in <#189467888657235970>
was looking at the pistons and DF-10 and
>straight plug
oh dear that doesn't look too comfortable
they're cheap enough
that you can buy one
and try it if you dont rike it