Message from @MatthewHeimbach
Discord ID: 364593323236655105
Mr. Heimbach, allow me to say that you are a personal hero of mine and "meeting" you has only reinforced that
you're a true leader
thanks man!
i appreciate that, i really do
It feels good to have a leader
I agree
There is a sense of actual purpose
My heart was immensely warmed to see the "Jesus Loves You" sign
unironically Hail Heimbach
hail heimbach
Well hey, without you guys, I'm just Bruce Willis from Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Seriously though, thank you guys
Thank *you*
"Peace is not the law of action in a fallen world. One has either to accept violence — the condition of any development in Time, — and to fight, with the methods of the fallen world, against that world, and “against Time,” for a Golden Age ideal, or to project that ideal “outside” this visible and tangible earth, according to the words of Jesus of Nazareth “My Kingdom is not of this world” (and the words of the Christian hymn: “This world is not our home...”1) which express the attitude of all men essentially “above Time." - SD on turning the cheek.
SD? Sepp Dietrich?
for me its like me and matt are roughly the same age
If he can do stuff I shouldve been doing stuff
“If you avoid dying for the honor and freedom of the Fatherland, you will die a criminal or a slave; die for the faith and the Fatherland and you will be granted life and a crown in heaven.”-St. Philaret of Moscow I vow to Thee, my Kinsmen
Having a spiritual home doesn't negate fighting for your physical home
Exactly, it was a rare compliment towards christianity from SD, since the too are able to envision the "Golden Age" and struggle towards it, even in a fallen world, just like National Socialists.
If you ever get the time, I'd be curious as to your thoughts on this book, i found it very informative and thought provoking
I'll add it to my reading list, fo sho. Ever read Anton Holzner?
I never actually have, ive heard about it
I would likewise be very curious of your thoughts.
dude became an SS officer, right?
if memory serves me right
Yeah, he used to be a priest in the Catholic Church, but then he said "Fuck this" and put on Hugo Boss.
I wish he'd put on the Hugo Boss like Leon Degrelle and stayed a priest, but that's just me
Degrelle was a hero
what do you think of the capoid ethiopids? they're orthodox. Should we be extending aid to them once our own people are taken care of, or do you hold Dr. Pierce's position that we shouldn't even *consider* it
I read "Eternal Front" and "Master Life" by Holzner from Third Reich Books, immediately fell in love with them. It's easy to see why a National Socialist would find being loyal to an international raceless authority to be in conflict, but this is just one position, and even if you didn't agree with his conclusions it contains absolutely irreplaceable wisdom every NS can agree with.
@MatthewHeimbach “Honor means loyalty toward God’s order of creation, toward the life laws, toward the voice of blood, toward himself. The Almighty has placed the laws of action for people and folks in their blood inside them, in their conscience. To be loyal to these divine laws and hence to be an executor and fulfiller of the divine work of creation and of the will of creation, that is the greatest and highest thing for people, that is their honor.”
- Anton Holzner
Aye, very true
@MatthewHeimbach i'm curious about your position on the non-White orthodox
Out of boundless altruism we should speed up them reaching the heavenly joys.