Message from @aebkop
Discord ID: 304716248917344259
I remembered it was # something
Wait who was that trap/grill from cgl who got the pepe shirt
nvm found it on ali
I cannot understand people that spend 50% of one of their monthly income on a smartphone for shitstagraming
When I was younger I was working part time at mcdonalds and jesus christ, people with Iphone, bitch you earning 700€ / month you buy an iphone
[/end of daily bitching]
phone contracts probably, thats how I got mine
I can still sell my 5s for 200-250 bucks
Praise the retards
yeah, iphone resell value is insane
If I branded my diarrhea Apple i'd probably be able to sell it for 10€
i ll get a new one in 1-2 months. I thinking about selling that one for 500-600
dunno what they go for tbh
thats like 4 chinkphones
Immo with the galaxy s8 apple lost the design battle until Iphone 8
The galaxy S8+ looks so fucking amazing
Are there any custom roms available for things like the xiaomis?
remember this :^)
Is Lineage any good?
it is
i just use miui though
Wait isn't it CM's follower?
I loved Cm
early gpd win prototype
best cheap mic?
1$ lapel
does xiaomi make mobile wifi dongles?
thank you!
oh does it have to be plugged into the laptop?
is it _free_?
i was looking for some thing more like this
a mobile hotspot?