Message from @Tervy
Discord ID: 311211914845880332
+ eu-illegal taxes too
fucking 21% VAT when I order something above 22 euros, man
yeah, and import fees above 150
but you can avoid it @🚂Quatroking🚂 (🇳🇱)
if you tell the seller to declare it with a price bellow 22
they don't always do that
try 24% (and 24%+ 44%for alcohols)
yeah I imagine, never needed to do it myself
thats where "german warehouses" jump to the mix when shopping
i ordered something from iherb for like 40euros, but didn't know about the fee
they seized it at customs, needed to pay 30 euros to get it
in cash
because it's 2017
and everyone pays everything in cash
yeah due customs dont have card payment option
>if you tell the seller to declare it with a price bellow 22
doesnt always work
last time i needed to get something i asked wrote them check and said "its perfect legal option for cold hard cash and you cant deny it"
they called around 15 minutes around and were like "fuck you we take it"
I don't think cheques are still a legal thing here in nl lol
what do you mean dont have card payment option?
you cant pay with card there
only cash
no visa no mastercard no nothing on customs office
only cash
oh for me it wasnt at the office, i had to pay online
dhl website
or do you mean pay for import
dhl <3 i wish they were in finland too instead of Posti
i dont even know how that works
do you call customs and say fam ive got something comming in here's the VAT
yeah in pre-declared it works like that
but yeah last time i have seen cheques here have been my own (or some competition prize things (you know those huge cardboard ones))
21% is not that bad, the place I live right now taxes 50% for imported electronics
wait what where
what the fuck fam
i take my words back we have thinks very good here
dear god thats some serious bullshit