Message from @porco
Discord ID: 323896983431544832
Ah sure so this means they transmit, not record
When I was growing up here I'd hear news stories about cameras being found
I assumed a better way to place a hidden camera in the toilet would be to have one that just records, and then at some point, you go pick it up to see the thousands of pees until you find that specific one that turns you on specially
Yeah. Maybe it just detects anything electronic
You don't really expect anything in, like, a vent
Well it's a pretty disgusting thing to do
I wouldn't be worried, personally
I haven't heard about that happening in a long time
If you have questions about Taipei don't feel shy to ask!!
Hope you keep on having a good time
Thanks a lot, I'll do
If I didn't receive something, should I wait for the proccessing time to run out or open up a dispute
how long are you waiting already?
Do DealXtreme price match on sales?
Yeah. Just looking around while Ali does the appeal thing.
Should I buy this?
anyone know of a good portable e-ink drawing tablet?
which color?
gold and red
for that sick chinese vibe bro
Gotta go with thet classic black and gold look
Just like Ken-sama would have wanted
hello oldfag
someone posted senfer 4in1 in thread but didnt review them at all are they good?
Waiting for that review
i need in ears
zst rapes my ears
very uncomfortable
Also I got those on the night market before, which I just posted on the thread
I wonder if they can improve my programming skills
they only make your skills worse
what a shame to call those programming socks
babysteps my friend
I have been programming barefoot my whole life