Message from @MatthewHeimbach
Discord ID: 364572975695003649
So I'm pretty sure this guy I did a job for tried to bait me into saying something
Just started taking politics out of no where and just met him
Of course he disputed every valid point of mine with Gibs
Oh shit KU fly shades lol
i don't believe in purity spiralling. but some things are wrong
if homosexuality is only considered wrong because you can't make White babies, then you're basing its immorality on its impracticality. Its effects are immoral and not the action itself. In a theoretical world, then, one that's overpopulated with no more planets to colonize, then homosexuality wouldn't be wrong. That's *obviously* not the case, because the immorality lies in the act itself
I used to do a bunch of degenerate shit, and i stopped when i realized the immense harm it was doing to me. i wouldn't welcome a face full of fishnetted NSBM ass because i don't think it's healthy. it's an excuse to do unhealthy stuff; it's just wrapped up in a pretty cloth. it's chocolate-coated poison
getting drunk, being promiscuous, watching porn etc. i cut it all out because it's not healthy, and i wish i could get those sexual experiences back. i never will, and it's my greatest regret
What are we arguing about?
i don't think we should be encouraging the sharing of raunchy pictures
Agreed, pornography is Jewish iconography
i mean even softcore or suggestive stuff that involves clothing
every time you watch porn
jews are laughing
>if homosexuality is only considered wrong because you can't make White babies,
The Fag agenda's its ultimate end goal is to make it alright to have sex with anything and anyone regardless of anything. They have oversaturated their narrative with all these fake labels for different genders and sexual orientations for the sake of completely breaking down all definitions, until it will be about justifying “humans fucking humans” (incest, pedophilia are made permissible under that notion) and later on “animals fucking animals” (zoophilia made permissible under that notion). It's not that complicated.
They only give one thing away for free, porn
Yeah we need rigid sexual morality
but the only way the homosexuals were able to take those first steps was by loosening sexual morals and attitudes to begin with
homosexuality is not wrong because it's a slippery slope, it's wrong for its own reasons
it also happens to be a slippery slope
the same exact thing with sharing pictures of "NSBM ass"
Homo's, bro's, thots etc; all that has tro be ended
You think the Jews aren't trying desperately to get us in pitfall traps?
We need to promote healthy sexuality and modesty
Even Der Sturmer is more lewd than I am.
That is from a different time and was done in a different spirit
The ecstacy of St. Theresa is not the same as fishnetted ass
>i wouldn't welcome a face full of fishnetted NSBM ass because i don't think it's healthy
I respectfully disagree but you are entitled to your own opinion.
NS thots are worse than regular thots imo
NS thots at least ought to know better
I think this is about as revealing as a woman should ever dress in public tbh
i suppose that's all we can do. thanks for being civil. I just think that we should always bear in Mind the Ladder of Divine Ascent (even if you're not Orthodox). People always look for outlets for degenerate urges and seek desperately to justify them and wallow in them
Agreed, white burkinis today
That's pretty lewd
White Ethnostate 2077: