Message from @dave
Discord ID: 345298675687358475
I mean if you wanna theme, go for it
s8 🅱 lus
I'm just too lazy
Thought I recognised that layout
S7 pleb here
just dont buy mediakeks
they are
xiaomis are decent
i was thinking a xiamoi
though they come with chink botnet but that is price you pay
you have any experience with honor?
my dad has one
honor 8 lite or something
this sucks shopping sub 200 when being used to flagship
>not airvpn
stock samsung
I think you can get that toggle in any android
Just need openvpn app
One of them
yes my s6 had it
apart from miui probably
fair enough then, once i get my note 4 battery, i'll use it
@dave app is called OpenVPN for Android
because it's annoying going in the app
yeah, the material design one
not the connect one
good shit <:aliOK:251417852156837888>
what phone?
@transience s7 me s8 blus
A few stores offer free DHL shipping for larger Lepin sets. Will DHL fuck with my package?
is the blackview a7 a good choice as a makeshift ipod
its like 40gbp
literally just gonna be using it for music and stuff