Message from @fedora
Discord ID: 345289469483679754
substratum theme
What phone
I mean if you wanna theme, go for it
s8 🅱 lus
I'm just too lazy
Thought I recognised that layout
S7 pleb here
just dont buy mediakeks
they are
xiaomis are decent
i was thinking a xiamoi
though they come with chink botnet but that is price you pay
you have any experience with honor?
my dad has one
this sucks shopping sub 200 when being used to flagship
>not airvpn
what are you using, stock or lineage?
stock samsung
I think you can get that toggle in any android
Just need openvpn app
One of them
yes my s6 had it
apart from miui probably
fair enough then, once i get my note 4 battery, i'll use it
@dave app is called OpenVPN for Android
because it's annoying going in the app
yeah, the material design one
not the connect one
good shit <:aliOK:251417852156837888>
what phone?