Message from @toaster

Discord ID: 369350209857257474

2017-10-16 04:35:33 UTC  

Is me or him fucked?

2017-10-16 04:37:23 UTC  

Did the letter imply that any action was going to be taken?
also if they sent it to him he would probably get fucked if there's fucking to be done

2017-10-16 04:37:23 UTC  

you're fucked m8

2017-10-16 04:37:32 UTC  

a life in prison awaits

2017-10-16 04:37:38 UTC  

reply you're a biohazard

2017-10-16 04:38:29 UTC  

I dunno, he just messaged me saying that his mum was beyoned pissed.

2017-10-16 04:38:40 UTC  

I'll probably raise a complaint with aliexpress

2017-10-16 04:39:05 UTC  

idk 10c sounds totally worth whatever drama you get to watch

2017-10-16 04:39:12 UTC  

He's my best mate

2017-10-16 04:39:28 UTC  

and plus

2017-10-16 04:39:41 UTC  

wait for his counter-prank where he commits tax fraud in your name

2017-10-16 04:39:48 UTC  


2017-10-16 04:39:50 UTC  

im 13

2017-10-16 04:40:08 UTC  

i dont know him irl lul

2017-10-16 04:40:25 UTC  

no action can be taken if somethings attempted to get sent to you, you cant control what people send you

2017-10-16 04:41:32 UTC  

Can I get the chink banned from aliexpress

2017-10-16 04:58:15 UTC  

are you like literally 13 though

2017-10-16 05:01:14 UTC  

this is either a real 13 year old who ignores customs law and tries to send foreign plants to his one friend (who lives on the internet) or it's a clever troll playing off of some 13 year old's twitch channel with 1 video

2017-10-16 05:03:40 UTC  

I'm not gonna rag on him if he's 13 because I started browsing 4chan when I was 13 too but Jesus christ at least try to be subtle about being underage

2017-10-16 05:03:49 UTC  

but this whole conversation is more of a off-topic thing anyway

2017-10-16 05:05:52 UTC  

I agree

2017-10-16 05:06:04 UTC  

Point is generally shipping seeds is a bad idea

2017-10-16 05:06:38 UTC  

point is "learn customs laws"

2017-10-16 05:06:56 UTC  

Well I mean naturally

2017-10-16 05:07:15 UTC  

But if you don't know and aren't willing to learn you'd be better off avoiding anything that could get you in trouble

2017-10-16 05:07:28 UTC  

huh just realized there are no reactions on this channel

2017-10-16 05:07:33 UTC  

just imagine a plant reaction or something

2017-10-16 05:15:00 UTC  

what countries do even accept seeds like that

2017-10-16 05:21:54 UTC  

mods fix yo shit

2017-10-16 05:23:52 UTC  

where the mods

2017-10-16 05:30:14 UTC  

mods are asleep

2017-10-16 05:30:22 UTC  

post seed related topics

2017-10-16 05:31:07 UTC  

can I grow cocaine


2017-10-16 05:33:01 UTC  

theoretically you can grow the coca plant. and i bet chinks sell the seeds. realistically. it is fordbidden in 98% of all countries and needs very specific (very humid) climate

2017-10-16 05:33:11 UTC  

its not as abusable as chink mint

2017-10-16 05:34:02 UTC  

So if I move to Singapore, I can have cocaine

2017-10-16 05:35:24 UTC  

no, because you would be in jail for 5x life sentence

2017-10-16 05:36:09 UTC  

coca plant is legal in some countries. the drugs produced there of are illegal everywhere

2017-10-16 05:36:57 UTC  

it's only illegal if you get caught doing it <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2017-10-16 05:41:49 UTC  


2017-10-16 05:48:15 UTC  

don't worry you'll only go to juvy