Message from @PrimitveXaoc
Discord ID: 352284270116601857
Yeah see it didn't even matter if he was there or not-
They would've just used a rando pic of some old Rally for it
True but that wouldnt have taken long to make rounds as stock footage and at least quell large numbers lol they even made sure to get him right outside that synogogue
It's surreal. I've watched false flags happen everywhere and now this shit goes down in the town I was born in.
Fuck that synagogue
I'm so tired of their crying about this lol
There are probably 9/11 spergs that still have cognitive dissonance over it lol
Oh this place is in shambles since the 12th
I've been very careful thus far to where I'll even go
These powers have brought down royalty and sparked world wars.
Primitive you live in Cvill3?
Yeah, very true
I do
Is it generally shitlib territory?
Well I moved 20 min outside of town last fall
Always best to be about 20 minutes from the city lol
You know the city has always been Dem run but it's gotten fucking horrible in the last 5 years
I used to live less than 5min from Lee Park
It's not being taken over by hostile commies
It's pretty fucking awful, actually
If you look at it on a political map it's a very dark blue amongst a sea of red. Strange little place, but it was a great place to grow up. Then we made a few lists on best place to live, raise a family etc and all hell broke loose.
Interesting. It may be able to be saved one day.
Anything happen with that guy cutting the tarp down?
Or was he unable to?
He didn't but people got it all the way down on Sunday
It went.m back up on Monday
It will come back down
Haha nice
Some patriots there I guess
We probably woke up a few more
I overslept my alarm bc I watched the fight the night before
Hoping the city leadership actually gets sued.
And we will return
We should just get another permit and not announce publicly.
This time have speeches
Yeah - well working on the lawsuit
There is a hearing about the statues tomorrow too
Isn't there a council they have to to through anyway?
To even remove them?
I know this is the case in Lexington