Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 388041547356307456
huh its mostly chicks buying those caps
Saw a chick at uni with one of those stupendously oversized phone cases. With ears.
Naturally she was azn.
would get hard
...for me to speak a word
do I get the white cap or the black cap
I mean yea I guess
but Im a clean guy
There you go then. Get the pink one.
im not a faggot though
Nothing /cgl/ can't fix
@Julian Are you black or white?
Remember, black is the feminine colour.
Wear the female.
Julian is asian.
Wear pink or white
am east yurop
do chinksites get Chinese New Year sales 🤔
@Julian Yes, two years after new years.
Eastern european?
Lith, estonian, latvian, bulgarian, belarus?
@Deleted User lith
Ayy, I got a lith gf
I think I meet more foreigners with lith gfs than liths themselves on the internet
I have a balt server where you can meet more liths.
Want an invite?
spoilers: this is the bait and he wants u as a trap bf
I already have a gf.
but no bf