Message from @Rykk
Discord ID: 389561714309464089
and screen with I2C or SPI
or disconnect the wifi module on a laptop
program your own word processor for STM32F4xx series
that will support only USB KB and SD for saving
and screen
or no screen
it's fine too
more discipline
Raspberry pi sounds good
better than programming your own MCU?
i-i-i get it ;_;
Thank you Harrison
i'd say "being fat should be outlawed"
It should, not healthy
@kleyoni24#3357 cheers
maybe I should just go to a local computer shop and ask them do it
wait @Rykk are you an amercan
that limits your options
how so?
As an american you end up wiht using ebay and local shops
and other good options
sorry yo live in a 3rd world country tho m8
@Deleted User I don't live in a 3rd world country
we have ebay and local shops
get a load of this guy
he doesnt live in america AND he doesnt live in a third world country
america is 3rd world
missiles inbound
>third world
i almost wanna see american collapse to see the world litearlly fall apart TBHfam
any chink lockpicks worth buying?
they're okay for babbies first pick but you need to sand and polish them to get close to what proper picks are like
it was broken already
fucker cannot stream the cricket properly