Message from @Brokenman
Discord ID: 389721292326305792
Its litteraly a piece of thin plastic with « some » bubbles in it
this can hold 18650's
what do you need so many batteries for wtf
Gayme bois
did you miss one of the many shitposts about me owning a fuckton of flashlights
because they're real
flashlight autism episode 52
or I'll just grab this
holy shit those shipping options and estimates
30-50 days wtf?
do you strap it to a pigeon?
No don't buy this its shit
I have a 4 slot one and its pure shit so I assume the 8 slot one is too
Uses a little boat to cross the atlantic
I have some 4 slot cases and they're p good
they look virtually the same as this
why does nobody cater to extreme flashlight autism battery storage 🤔
Wow i just found this cool video
Very cool
Yay or nay?
Very cool youtube channel i recommend to subscribe for more cool content
Dispute is opened
lets chink the chinks
<:aliOK:251417852156837888> <:alismirk:230784726615588865>
ok bought a case for the batteries
technically I said I wouldn't order anything this year anymore, but meh
its the 11th so like you are close from 2018
well it's also only like 3 bucks so meh
will pass as 2018 when you will recieved it 👌🏻
hopefully 11/11 shit all gets here before the end of the year
Hopefully I didn't got chinked by gearbest too
cause I only recieved 50% of my orders
At least btc is doing well this morning so im happy