Message from @Cole
Discord ID: 389720205053526016
gotta wait 3 million days
Contact Ali
anyone found a decent wireless keyboard with trackpad?
On like my 50+ orders in china the only chink store that chinked me is xiaomeme isn’t that ironic
It's not the official Xiaomi store
It's some lie bs store
gotta love china
They had the best 11/11 price for this so I didn’t even look at the store
I need another 18650 case, the fuckers sent 8 of these batteries in a fucking cardboard box
should I buy that shotgun shell box 🤔
Buy a fucking gun safe
On another subject I analyse chink bubblerap that has come with my recent order vs my top quality bubblerap from here and oh boi their chink bubblerap is shit
Its litteraly a piece of thin plastic with « some » bubbles in it
this can hold 18650's
what do you need so many batteries for wtf
Gayme bois
did you miss one of the many shitposts about me owning a fuckton of flashlights
flashlight autism episode 52
or I'll just grab this
holy shit those shipping options and estimates
30-50 days wtf?
do you strap it to a pigeon?
No don't buy this its shit
I have a 4 slot one and its pure shit so I assume the 8 slot one is too
Uses a little boat to cross the atlantic
I have some 4 slot cases and they're p good
they look virtually the same as this
why does nobody cater to extreme flashlight autism battery storage 🤔
I don't know I use my batteries for my gayme bois
Wow i just found this cool video
Very cool
Yay or nay?
Very cool youtube channel i recommend to subscribe for more cool content