Message from @Flaxxer
Discord ID: 386771133145546752
Don't be mistaken
But its squandered in the most retarded fashion
Yeah they all would have loved us but someone had the wrong tshirt on so instead they hated us
You know, spics and niggers are basically the same
If you've seen Juan, you've seen Jamal
I just wish this guy would have stayed on message and kept organic food posting. Thread derailed.
Its not realistic to think you can feed 10 states of people without ag chemicals unless you are williing to lose a lot of food and pay a very high price forwhat survives. I was reading about Steyr pistols to not go to sleep obsessing . Happy?
Yes 🌽 🥕 🌽 🥕 🌽 🥕
You want a country? You better be able to feed people.
It's weird that people used to eat food before big ag was a thing.
Who the fuck is this johny otts autist calling TWP nazbols?
its almost like if you kicked out 35% of the country it might be easier to feed without zionist franken foods
@harry5518 we nazbol now
Cody strasser is pleased
NazBol gang
Its in your platform,how much organics do you grow, ?
The new symbol of TWP is going to be a crossed corn cobb and fork
Faith, Family, and Fork.
🌽 <:tradworkersymbol:374584413561946114> 🌽
how much did you lose?
Barely any.
I lost about 20%
*Barley @Tony Hovater
The weekend of Cville,my bees absconded.
☠ 🐝 ☠
that means they left and took the honey with. about 40 lbs in 4 days
I thought I had purged the African genetics, apparently not completely. ficking nigger bees. 40 lbs..lazy fuckers
someone must have told them where i was.
Has anything good come out of Africa?
I dont think Im ready for cattle.
Ok. must crash. splitting oak to heat my home and deny the electricity jew muh shekels. Good luck in DC.
How many goys do we have going to D.C?
@Tony Hovater AIDS is pretty cool.