Message from @Tervy

Discord ID: 425344352257048576

2018-03-19 17:16:08 UTC  


2018-03-19 17:16:13 UTC  

would keep malicious links out

2018-03-19 17:16:24 UTC  

nah the link was on offtopic yesterday

2018-03-19 17:16:40 UTC  

i luckily regonized the url within seconds

2018-03-19 17:16:41 UTC  


2018-03-19 17:16:50 UTC  

(as it was botted to couple of other channels i moderate too

2018-03-19 17:16:50 UTC  

yeah i copied it from there twitter

2018-03-19 17:16:58 UTC  

damn that suck

2018-03-19 17:17:28 UTC  

but yeah i realised that it was probly just honest "i want to share this one" after i had made the pinned messages there

2018-03-19 17:17:52 UTC  

you know the moderators "aww fuck that could be something bad"

2018-03-19 17:18:20 UTC  

then investigate after the thing has been taken down

2018-03-19 17:19:49 UTC  

but yeah for future "Buffer/" links they collect shit ton of data from browser/app what you use to open the links (from ip/geolocation to fingerprintting browser quite agressively and follow you later on with cookies etc)

2018-03-19 17:20:33 UTC  

bad behaviour all in all from said company

2018-03-19 17:22:53 UTC  

Thanks i didnt know that

2018-03-19 17:23:33 UTC  

well "analytics" is their marketing field so~ user gets the data

2018-03-19 17:24:25 UTC  

but good rule of thumb is that 99% of "new/havent heard of this one" Shortened urls == bad

2018-03-19 17:24:46 UTC  

url shorteners are generaly bad if they mask the real adress

2018-03-19 17:25:42 UTC  

thinks like what obviously poit to their own service (amazon) are good ones (i think aliexpress does something similar with their links)

2018-03-19 17:26:14 UTC  

but any tinyurl,shorturl, , etc links are red flag

2018-03-19 17:26:26 UTC <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2018-03-19 17:26:36 UTC  

^good example of bad things

2018-03-19 17:26:45 UTC  

service is itself usefull but used for bad stuff

2018-03-19 17:27:44 UTC  

/csg/ link shortener when?

2018-03-19 17:27:57 UTC  

could be done

2018-03-19 17:30:35 UTC  

for example (redirects to

2018-03-19 17:30:36 UTC  

that'd be neat.

2018-03-19 17:30:43 UTC  

but could really be anything under the earth

2018-03-19 17:31:25 UTC  

but from simple demoservice (They used to run it fulltime)

2018-03-19 17:31:31 UTC you get this shit

2018-03-19 17:31:54 UTC  

buffer does same but with 99% more personal stuff

2018-03-19 17:32:24 UTC  

nice website lol

2018-03-19 17:32:27 UTC  

(all your connected cookies,injects you with more, fingerprints,gets your installed language from windows and their adcode etc)

2018-03-19 17:33:41 UTC  

So yeah for everyone who is following this conversation.. for love of god dont use shortened urls(nor hugeurls)

2018-03-19 17:34:03 UTC  

knock knock its aliexpress

2018-03-19 17:34:50 UTC  

I'll stick to my long Ali URLs

2018-03-19 17:35:07 UTC  

just cut anything after ? and links are generaly good

2018-03-19 17:35:25 UTC  

generaly anything after ? is used for fingerprinting and tracking

2018-03-19 17:36:02 UTC  

you can even cut the ? <:alismirk:230784726615588865>

2018-03-19 17:36:22 UTC  

yep but its good marked where to cut it

2018-03-19 17:37:51 UTC  

there is some things what might break the sites if you start killing those ? .. for example "load-scrips.php?c=1&load[]=swfobjcet,plaaplapala"

2018-03-19 17:38:08 UTC  

might not load the definet objects properly