Message from @Tervy
Discord ID: 485040692666695691
12 tracking numbers in my 17 track after this sale
Feels 11.11 man
What makes you a bigtimer, amount of orders or total value?
I feel like they're different metrics.
Is this useful or just chink garbage
I suppose so
what is the purpose of this thing
To contact the owner of the vehicle for whatever reason
It's a neat Idea but a useless one
@Cringe Worthy
>buy this
>stick it on my car
>wrote Y O U A R E A F A G G O T
are any of the aliexpress routers good
Just buy a Mikrotik
They're cheap and powerful as frick
I have hAP ac2 on my list, when I have some spare funds I will uograde
where does one even buy those routers
thats quite useless
i guess you could make it spell letters like "fuck you you nosy fuck"
either by app or just sending licence plate text to certain SMS services
they reply you with all registration data
and usualy if their insurance is up to date too
depending on country
What countries tho
NL gov has this
but you can't get any personal data from it
only details about the car
xiaomi/oppo been given foldable panels by samsung
so is flip phone the future? or should i say foldphone
How the FUCK do I buy things from online venezuelan stores while in america :ccc
can buy a new gpu for literal peanuts lmao
isnt trading banned betwen commies and america