Message from @Adam W
Discord ID: 516733765792563221
There's one flagship store in Sylvia Park, Auckland that opened earlier this month
I bought like 6 cables from Lithuania
And that's that
She has broken like 5 of them
Is your gf also fucking messy?
Of course there are licensed retailers like PB tech that do have a location in the city I live in
If it's the 13"
But like I said it's highly unlikely that they can facilitate a repair this early in xiaomi's venture into New Zealand
I mean I appreciate the thought of sending links to replacement screens
But since it's New Zealand post fault of damaging is in the post then we're going to claim the insurance out of it
This is their problem to deal with
That's if you end up keeping it, but yeah having the post deal with it is the best decision.
Oh now I see what you mean
But it's likely to be handed off to them as an insurance claim
@Deleted User
>Is your gf also fucking messy?
big time. i've noticed that she just doesn't care at all about posessions like i do. she's cracked every phone she's ever owned, i think
I dont think thats mutually exclusive to girls
some people just dont appreciate expensive/valuable stuff
especially when its not theirs
maybe, i don't have enough experience with people to know
all i know is i'm fucking glad i now have a phone with usb-c and hers is still micro usb so she can't break my cunting cables
Well my girlfriend does appreciate the stuff she has
I am more talking about her just sitting in the bed 24/7
Never fucking cleaning
And when she eats somethinf
She just fucking throws it onto the bed she is sitting in
while her entire room is going to shit
Like what the actual fuck is wrong
My gf is chinese
<:alithink:327930371796893698> <:alismirk:230784726615588865> <:aliOK:251417852156837888>
on the topic of actual chinkshit, i got this today
only sort-of chinkshit i guess because it came from a UK store and the brand is German, but this is clearly some chinese odm whitelabel thing. it's pretty decent. n4000 is only dual core, and that does show, but i literally bought this for word processing and basically nothing else, and the keyboard is fine. i was going to get a jumper or a chuwi of some kind eventually, but i saw this was slightly discounted and had a pseudo-UK keyboard (| and \ on function keys) which i liked so i went for it.
+ it's actually cheaper than anything from jumper or chuwi that i've found recently and has a proper UK warranty and stuff, which to me makes up for having a n4000 instead of a n4100
@Adam W did you screen get fucked up like mine in transit?
mine is pretty much fine, though the top left corner has like half the row of pixels obscured by the bezel, which annoys me. i *might* see if i can get a replacement, we'll see how much it bothers me after a day or so
how was yours fucked up?
mine was in perfect condition though i did notice there was basically zero padding in the box, so i'm not surprised if they get damaged sometimes
Anything to get on this cyber monday?
yes, but not chinkshit