Message from @Japzzi
Discord ID: 275061943067213824
I g2g I will talk to yall later
So much kvetching from the kikes
Btw @cr4ck3r Casen has his own room you could steal people from, been invited to it like 5 times.
If you're in other groups, be sure to let nationalist folks know Parrott and Heimbach now have a dedicated room. Heimbach's traveling right now, so it'll be just me this weekend.
Or server, or whatever the lingo is. I'm new to Discord.
Okay, I've got him on FB, I can just drop him a link. I could also mention to the IM chat
Are other people able to create invite links?
Yeah, but the guy who created the chat can limit the permission to create links
I haven't done that, have I?
As you can see from the IM flood, no.
But it's really simple, check the settings.
hello TW, I'm ironmarch
Found it. Yup. Cool.
hello TW, I'm ironmarch
You can, for example, give vetted and mods the permission but no one else
Ah, that might be smart.
wut it do, my dudes
Heimbach's currently at the Atlanta Forum. I'm currently trying to get the TradWorker site repaired. The Party just desperately needed a common place for everybody to coordinate action and ideas.
The idea is with my job I'm able to just kind of be here all the time and available on the voice chat most of the time.
Trying to avoid being one of those political projects where we're just a tight inner circle and everybody else is a pleb.
I have a question for you American nationalists.
Go for it.
@parrott Discord is a good place to organize. Now I doubt things will get heated like in Europe but Tutanota is also a great system. Albeit that is mail.
How do you feel about white immigrants from other parts of the world?
I thought about setting up a dedicated mumble server, but everybody seemed to be on Discord who I talked to.
What shape do you think the world is?
There's a range of opinions. I strongly favor inviting and supporting white refugees from White Africa and such. Generally speaking, I think we've had enough mass migration and would like to just sort of keep it at sustainable levels, even from Europe.
Though if Europe comes under pressure, I'm fine with everybody coming over here for refuge.
Yeah, mumble is kinda 2010.
Rhodes is from South Africa, fyi
Good to know since we're getting zogged nonstop.
I believe the world is a bulging sphere.
>believing in the heliocentric Jew
didnt think twp was so bluepilled
Are they at least bogpilled?
Bitch it's hollow.