Message from @qwerty pumpkin
Discord ID: 475416620572082177
hello fellow liberalists
Hello fellow Liberalist
That's some dedication man
yeah he looks fun, but can't find a twitter for him
would anyone care to join us in laid back room?
i will take that as a yes
for what?
just talking
about communisms failure in vietnam
Nah I'll pass
about sargon?
Do you want some attention?
Then go find someone who will give you that
why get like that i was just wanting people to join us and talk
Good luck
lets talk about that
I'm not being hostile, I just think this is more interesting
oh of course that's fine
@Deathsinger he speak like me
it is a french expression
yes but explain
should i?
wtf yes
you know how this expression basicly make no sense?