Message from @judge_bergan
Discord ID: 485640891244085249
t r u m p e t g a n g d o o t d o o t m o t h e r f u c k e r
@KiwiMorgs :<
a third part trumpet im sure
kiwis got my back `•¤•`
something like 32nd chair
you all need need these
Never interupt your enemies while they are making a mistake.
you know who's been asking for people to talk to? The Drunken Peasants
I'm just saying I've seen calls going out for guests
no idea
its beautiful
@Hellstorme, I'm still here.
yo I thought Jose was here?
and also damnation?
or are they somewhere else
shit right
I thought he said just on the debate server
Yeah, maraschino is definitely an Italian name.
There's definitely a huge taste difference with luxardo.
that was his USERNAME for fuck's sake
ahhh okay
But, it's ridiculously expensive.
apparently they've dragged me
huh, I didn't know that. The plant they come from, "marasca" comes from Croatia.