Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 446889188172759069

2018-05-18 03:44:17 UTC

2018-05-18 03:44:44 UTC

2018-05-18 03:44:51 UTC

2018-05-18 03:49:20 UTC

2018-05-18 03:51:17 UTC  

Das Right

2018-05-18 03:56:22 UTC  

The OLB has an account about a small contingent of Fryans left Europe around 1550 BCE with a contingent of sailors from Tyre (Phoenicians) and settled around Ira = Iran. What we know is their descendants are the yazidi who have practice a ethnoreligion to this day Here is a passage that dates to around 1500 BCE from the Yasna Avesta 46:12 that refers to the Tyrrian sailors and the Fryans.

"When among the laudable descendants and posterity of the Turanian Fryana the Right ariseth, through activity of Piety that blesseth substance;"

Here is more passages mentioning Frya and Her bloodline. Khorda Avesta 110 & 120

"We worship the Fravashi of the holy Frya.

We worship the Fravashi of the holy Yoishta, of the Fryana house."

2018-05-18 03:58:52 UTC  

So my claim is the Indo-European language is false and Europe had a independent language. Also there is root words we share orally but we also share those root words with other nonindo- European languages.

The oral words we share are words like mom, papa, brother and sister. We see that other language systems say the same words with a slight accent.
Here is one example of many.

In English we say mom
In Chinese we say Māmā

This shows a direct link in spoken root words from different language family trees.
Chinese is classified as Sino-Tibetan family language while English is classified as Indo-European family language. (Ref 1-2) This shows that the Indo-European is not a independent family language orally.

Now we come to written language. The idea is if the Indo-European language hypothesis is correct about how language came

2018-05-18 03:59:05 UTC  

in with migration of a linear fashion, we will see direct evidence of writing systems being similar in the Indo-European family language. We don't what we see is independent written languages at best influencing each other, but staying very distinct and closer to there origin.

Here is an example of two writing systems merging with one another forming a new system.

Minoan civilization linear script A (Ref 3) (Pic 1).

The proto written language of Europe. (Pic 2)

These languages merged to form Minoan civilization linear script B (Ref 4) (Pic 3).

Here is an example of Sanskrit you can see how it matches linear A and not the other two (Ref 5, 6)

2018-05-18 04:03:24 UTC

2018-05-18 04:03:40 UTC

2018-05-18 04:14:45 UTC

2018-05-18 04:17:50 UTC

2018-05-18 04:17:52 UTC

2018-05-18 04:18:05 UTC  

Ancient Native European languages had a locative case for for things that in English we use "in", "on", "at" and "by". This is different from the ancient languages such as Sanskrit

2018-05-18 04:18:20 UTC  

which had an ablative case as the fifth case which was used to mean things such as "away from" or "with". This case is not present in even modern European languages as it is part of a different language grouping.

2018-05-18 04:28:13 UTC

2018-05-18 04:28:48 UTC  

Fake News

2018-05-18 04:32:32 UTC  

Das Right

2018-05-18 07:20:37 UTC

2018-05-18 15:43:09 UTC  
2018-05-18 15:47:26 UTC  
2018-05-18 15:47:27 UTC  


2018-05-18 16:32:20 UTC  

No source for claim yikes. Also show evidence rt is not reliable

2018-05-18 16:34:25 UTC  

Are you saying these guys who are known communist didn't get arrested for pedophilia?

2018-05-18 16:38:20 UTC  

@actual_communist_boi when are we going to debate how Marxism is a false Ideology that has no bases in reality?

2018-05-18 16:40:04 UTC  


2018-05-18 16:40:12 UTC  

up to you @Deleted User

2018-05-18 16:41:10 UTC  

This Saturday night here one hour opening and closing statements, live stream 10:30est @actual_communist_boi

2018-05-18 16:41:54 UTC  
2018-05-18 16:44:32 UTC  

My stance is Marxism is a false Ideology that is based on false premises.

2018-05-18 21:47:33 UTC  

Jews were the bad guys in russia
"Rather than improving the lot of the peasantry, the nobles and the Jews were keen to wring every cent from them. In many areas it was made illegal to purchase liquor anywhere else or to make one’s own, and in some areas the purchase of liquor from Jews was made compulsory by the noble. This practice enabled the lord to siphon off any surplus money the peasants had managed to obtain, and in this practice Dynner explains the Jews “were fully complicit.”[18] Jews also benefited by offering credit — at interest. Via peasant debt, Jews were able to obtain vast amounts of the worker’s petty property, enabling their sons to go into the second-hand furniture and pawn businesses with ease. It was remarked in those days that the Jews knew every possession a peasant had, “every sheaf in the field, every head of cattle in the herd.” A popular saying was “the peasant drinks at the inn and the Jew does him in.”[19] An 1844 Prussian report on newly acquired Polish lands stated that “the Jews’ economic and occupational habits, especially those created by petty trading and the sale of alcohol, are still damaging the lower classes of the people.”[20]"

2018-05-18 22:29:31 UTC

2018-05-18 22:51:59 UTC  

1. Leiba Lazarevich Feldbin (Aleksandr Orlov): Chief of Soviet Security in the Spanish Civil War. He supervised the massacres of Catholic priests and nuns.

2. Rabbi Hyman Katz: American rabbi. He said he joined Stalin’s International Brigade “to fight Spanish-Christian fascists.”

3. Milton Wolff: Last Commander of the American contingent of Stalin’s International Brigade.

4. Abraham Osheroff: American Jewish Communist. Born in Brooklyn NY.

5. Olek Nuss: Yiddish poet. He served with the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.

6. Janek Barvinski: Commander of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.

7. Stach Matuszczak: Political Commissar of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.

8. George Nathan: Jewish homosexual and Communist from Great Britain. Chief of Staff of Stalin’s International Brigade.

9. Henryk Torunczyk: Polish Jew. Commander of the Naftali-Botwin Jewish Company.

10. Saul Wellman: Commissar of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Communist activist from Detroit. Organized Communist party meetings amongst Detroit auto workers.

11. Kurt Julius Goldstein: German Jewish Communist.

12. Leon Rosenthal: A New York Jew. He was Stalin’s propaganda agent in Spain.

13. Moses Rosenberg: The Russian Ambassador to Madrid. He rigged the elections of the Spanish Parliament in 1936 installing puppets of the Jewish Bolsheviks.

2018-05-18 22:52:35 UTC  

@Deleted User there's a conversation going on atm, sorry