Message from @tom (twp)
Discord ID: 300467562246963200
I look forward to talking to you brother, I'm glad I won't be the only 'older' guy there.
Same here. Is Azzmador coming?
Last I heard but I'm by no means up to date on things. Hoping to change that a bit.
I think the NS folks will be more in our age range
Cool. I'll be easy to find. I'll be the little black guy. j/k. I've got to run. 14
I heard azz is not going yesterday
I also heard Paddy isn't going, you heard anything on that?
Nah, I haven't. I frequent DS, and I asked him about I the other day
I'm on DS, 'Robert Ley' not super active on there but I'm there. Did AZZ give any reason?
He said, without saying, that it was due to NS people having too much of a presence there
Maybe he had some disagreements with them in the past
This is the shit we need to over come.
I agree
I'm still pretty new, but I don't understand a lot of the in fighting.
Like people whine and bitch way too much at each other for me to really take it seriously.
This will hopefully be a good beginning to that. The infighting out dates me, so don't worry about it, the movement has been fractured since Rockwell was killed from what I can gather. NSM has been around a long time. I think there is a disconnect between the NSM & the younger folks. This is part of why I am optimistic about the Nationalist Front idea. DS has its place as well... I will avoid giving too much of my opinion on any organization bc opinions only fuel the infighting, ultimately I would like to see ALL factions under one banner, a big dream I know but a requirement in my mind.
Yeah, that would be great
That's for the insight, I didn't​ know they were still recovering from GLR. Makes sense though he was on point.
When I say the movement I just mean us as a whole. The World Union of NS was the last time I'm aware that everyone was in any semblance of cohesion. That was a long time ago. In effect we are trying to build from scratch, some of the guys that have been at this awhile probably take some offense at that notion, but let's face facts- if anyone's modus operandi had been effective thus far we'd be further down the path by now. Unfortunately the movement has always been very personality driven, when that personality dies or turns out to not be everything to everyone the squabbling & infighting sets in. If you have not read James Masons 'Siege' I highly recommend it. I'll grab a copy of the link to the free PDF & post it.
This is off topic, but my hatred for jews drives and motivates me almost as much as my love for my own people
So IronMarch has a link to a free PDF of 'siege' as does I can't seem to be smarter than my phone. Easy to find, just Google "Siege by James Mason" & scroll down to the PDF listing.
Like I said Bob, use the hate like a fuel, as long as you are burning fuel in your engine the car stays running down the road, but the minute you start splashing the fuel around on the interior & pressing the cigarette lighter... there's bound to be trouble.
Very true
You guys have actual communities of people around you?
I have two comrades within a mile of that counts lol
One of them is my fiance
Limited. I've made some in roads with active folks, but it's not satisfactory for me.
Fellowship is an important part & it's missing from my routine at this juncture.
Yeah, same, can't wait to get out of Baltimore
You'll meet plenty of us in Pikeville