Message from @CapitalistCuck
Discord ID: 533054500890607617
my god
As a side-note, do we notice the parallels between the afflicted witnesses of the Salem witch trials whose testimonies are based solely on dreams and premonitions, and the contemporary practice of accepting at face value the unsubstantiated allegations of a woman accusing a man of rape, while preserving her anonymity? The modern rape accuser would appear to be the contemporary manifestation of the Salem witch trials’ afflicted witness.
sup home of sexuals
man all the chats have been getting deleted and reset
its simply something that has to be done every now and then 'cause anyone with something against the server will just use the top right search bar to find slurs and comments to report the server
i see
hello new people
Where the recording voice chat?
dead server!
Alive server
@KrazyJelly deleted
and it can be remade when needed
Oh ok
@Country HTFDGPS @Calebcool undead server
Who tf
@aloys Rand
O wassup
Are you still in dudehole?
can i partner with this server
What's dudehole?
🎵Our heads are held high, cause our spirit is strong
For we will end tyranny, proven the world wrong
Well drive out the bankers from the land that we own
United as Aryans we will take back our home
Down with zion, and the slaving of men
We will tear down your wall, letting everyone in
Were the children of Freya and we fight for our lives
And when Ragnarök beckons everyone of us dies
Our heads are held high, cause our spirit is strong
For we will end tyranny, proven the world wrong
Well drive out the bankers from the land that we own
United as Aryans we will take back our home
Down with zion, and the slaving of men
We will tear down your wall, letting everyone in
Were the children of Freya and we fight for our lives
And when Ragnarök beckons everyone of us dies
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean
Of the traitors that has sullied our hopes and our dreams 🎶
Majority of the nations that rank high have strong tendencies of government intervention. Hong Kong and Singapore are at the top, literally two city states that has lease based property norms rather than property ownership. You'll find that they have heavy government intervention in terms of infrastructure, housing regulation and production zoning. Literally the most economically free countries on that list are those with proper government intervention. Its almost like Adam Smith was right on capitalism being a product of the state as well. God damn AnCaps annoy me...
I have returned