Message from @kazper
Discord ID: 534819084483952660
@qatal zanjiun the child is also a drag queen
Goes by the name Queen Laticia
I know
Its epic
I want the adult shot and the child instituted.
the adult should be charged for indecent exposure
al ofyou
I have a bump on my left nut
means u have aids
I got it from your mom
also your name is epic
@Deleted User ur nigegr
Considering this is the first thing i see when i enter i should probably start screaming and running
Also can somebody gimme dat PHAT partner role? I'm a mod at ACL
Jesus Christ, y'all have to watch this
@Crowco. I don't even have a partner role and I own the damn thing. π π
That annoys me
the real server
Hit or miss
I guess they never miss. Huh?
People are upvoting this "Culture of Critique" comment under a Gillette Ad
Share it on your other discords @everyone
funny as hell if it is
***F A M I L Y V A L U E S***
just looking at that couple sets in a feeling of uncanny valley
i dont think anyone would genuinely be surprised by this development